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MESB374 System Modeling and Analysis Forced Response

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1 MESB374 System Modeling and Analysis Forced Response
ME375 Handouts - Spring 2002 MESB374 System Modeling and Analysis Forced Response

2 Forced Responses of LTI Systems
ME375 Handouts - Spring 2002 Forced Responses of LTI Systems Forced Responses of LTI Systems Superposition Principle Forced Responses to Specific Inputs Forced Response of 1st Order Systems Transfer Function and Poles/Zeros Forced Response of Stable 1st Order Systems Forced Response of 2nd Order Systems Forced Response of Stable 2nd Order Systems

3 Forced Responses of LTI Systems
Superposition Principle Input Output Linear System u1 (t) u2 (t) u(t)=k1 u1 (t) + k2 u2 (t) y1 (t) y2 (t) y(t)=k1 y1 (t) + k2 y2 (t) The forced response of a linear system to a complicated input can be obtained by studying how the system responds to simple inputs, such as unit impulse input, unit step input, and sinusoidal inputs with different input frequencies.

4 Typical Forced Responses
Unit Impulse Response Forced response to unit impulse input Unit Step Response Forced response to unit step input (u (t) = 1) Sinusoidal Response Forced response to sinusoidal inputs at different input frequencies The steady state response of sinusoidal response is call the Frequency Response. Time t u(t) If system is stable, SS is zero. Time t u(t) 1 u(t) y Time t

5 Forced Response of 1st Order Systems
Standard Form of Stable 1st Order System where t : Time Constant K : Static (Steady State, DC) Gain TF and Poles/Zeros Unit Step Response ( u=1 and zero ICs ) Stable system y(t) yss(t) = K K yT(t) = - K e -t/t Time t

6 Normalized Unit Step Response
Normalized Unit Step Response (u = 1 & zero ICs) 1t 2t 3t 4t 5t 6t Time [ t ] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Normalized Response Time t t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t ( 1 - e - t/ t ) 0.6321 0.8647 0.9502 0.9817 0.9933

7 Unit Step Response of Stable 1st Order System
Smallest Effect of Time Constant t : Normalized: Initial Slope: Q: What is your conclusion ? 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Time [sec] Normalized Response increases Largest 2 4 6 8 10 The smaller is, the steeper the initial slope is, and the faster the response approaches the steady state.

8 Forced Responses of Stable 1st Order System
Q: How would you calculate the forced response of a 1st order system to a unit pulse (not unit impulse)? Q: How would you calculate the unit impulse response of a 1st order system? Q: How would you calculate the sinusoidal response of a 1st order system? Time t u(t) 1 Q (Hint: superposition principle ?!) -1 Time t u(t) 1

9 Standard Form of 2nd Order Systems
I/O Model TF and Pole/Zeros Stability Condition Standard Form of Stable 2nd Order Systems without Zeros where wn : Natural Frequency [rad/s] z : Damping Ratio K : Static (Steady State, DC) Gain

10 Poles of Stable 2nd Order Systems
Stable 2nd Order Systems without Zeros Pole Locations Real Img. wn -wn Over-damped ( ) Critically damped ( ) Under damped ( ) Two distinct real poles Two identical real poles at Two complex poles at

11 Under-damped 2nd Order System
Unit Step Response ( u=1 and zero ICs )

12 Unit Step Response of 2nd Order Systems
OS yMAX tP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Time [sec] 0.2K 0.4K 0.6K 0.8K K 1.2K 1.4K 1.6K Unit Step Response Td tS

13 Unit Step Response of 2nd Order System
Peak Time (tP) Time when output y(t) reaches its maximum value yMAX. Percent Overshoot (%OS) At peak time tP the maximum output The overshoot (OS) is: The percent overshoot is:

14 Unit Step Response of 2nd Order System
Settling Time (ts) Time required for the response to be within a specific percent of the final (steady-state) value. Some typical specifications for settling time are: 5%, 2% and 1%. Look at the envelope of the response: Q: Which parameters of a 2nd order system affect the peak time? Damping ration and natural frequency Q: Which parameters of a 2nd order system affect the % OS? Damping ratio x% band settling time: Q: Which parameters of a 2nd order system affect the settling time? Damping ratio and natural frequency % 1% 2% 5% t Q: Can you obtain the formula for a 3% settling time? S

15 In Class Exercise Mass-Spring-Damper System
I/O Model: Q: What is the static gain of the system ? Q: How would the physical parameters (M, B, K) affect the step response of the system ? (This is equivalent to asking you for the relationship between the physical parameters and the damping ratio, natural frequency and the static gain.) x Ks M B f(t)

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