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STANDFIRE Strategic thinking 12/19/2012 Getting the ball rolling.

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Presentation on theme: "STANDFIRE Strategic thinking 12/19/2012 Getting the ball rolling."— Presentation transcript:

1 STANDFIRE Strategic thinking 12/19/2012 Getting the ball rolling

2 Overview of STANDFIRE Many partners: RMRS (Parsons, Jolly, Cohn; Crookston, Sieg), PNW(Mell), LANL (Linn), INRA (Rigolot, Pimont, Dupuy, de Coligny). Objectives: 1) prototype system (FVS-> WFDS->outputs) 2) metrics (fuels and fire) 3) new platform for fire science development Project is mostly focused on programming/ development; little $ for field work etc – emphasis on using data we already have. – Platforms: Leveraging work from different contributors is facilitated by work in multiple platforms (java, c++, matlab, python, R). – Programming: Emphasis on modular development, interchangable parts, sensitivity analysis, component testing

3 Objectives 1.Prototype system is focal point but core science development (and publications) are the primary goal 2.Metrics : Investigate & evaluate existing metrics as well as explore development of new metrics 3.New platform for fire science development / collaboration

4 FVS-SVS – Stand Visualization System Fire Paradox FuelManager Fire Effects: Crown scorch by tree Stand scale fire simulation with WFDS

5 System is focal point for core research activity STANDFIRE project: collaborative framework STANDFIRE System INRA Fire Lab PNW LANL Specific research products For each arena: 1.Prioritize 2.Tangible question  paper Nick Idea is to build towards a modular system eventually facilitating complete integration of fuels science, fire behavior and fire effects -- someday, model surface fuels with multiple layers, heavy fuels, etc.

6 System is focal point for core research activity STANDFIRE project: collaborative framework INRA Fire Lab PNW LANL Nick Arenas: 1.Fuels representation ( --- ) 2.Model comparisons / algorithm testing / model formulation ( --- ) 3.Metrics – fuels & fire ( --- ) 4.Other? STANDFIRE System

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