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Controlled assessment Hypothesis – The steeper the ramp the further the car will travel along the table GHyland -july 2013 Objectives: Complete the equipment.

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Presentation on theme: "Controlled assessment Hypothesis – The steeper the ramp the further the car will travel along the table GHyland -july 2013 Objectives: Complete the equipment."— Presentation transcript:


2 Controlled assessment Hypothesis – The steeper the ramp the further the car will travel along the table GHyland -july 2013 Objectives: Complete the equipment and risks sections of the controlled assessment

3 Hypothesis – The steeper the ramp the further the car will travel along the table

4 GHyland -july 2013

5 Think – equipment Equipment neededExplain why it is used GHyland -july 2013 1.Draw and label the diagram of the equipment set-up 2. Copy and complete the table.

6 EquipmentReason for choice

7 Variables summary In any experiment there are 3 variables:  an independent (or input) variable is the thing that you change  a dependent (or outcome) variable is the thing that you measure  some control variables are the things that you MUST keep the same

8 Control variables These are all the variables that must not change, to make sure it is a fair test. Example 1 You must use the same elastic band all the time, and the same scale etc, so it is a fair test. Investigating how a weight affects the length of an elastic band.

9 control variables PAIR SHARE. The steeper slope the further the car will travel GHyland -july 2013

10 List the control variables Variable © Why it needs to be kept the same C + How you will control it. B stirring End (c) Ghyland


12 1. What were the risks in your experiment? Add as many as you can think of to a copy of this spider diagram. (3) End

13 Safety Think -1. What would a ruler do to an eye? 2. protection? RISKHow to manage it – make it safe GHyland -july 2013


15 Plan Logical - order. How many slope heights? How will you measure the distance? Range? Repeats? GHyland -july 2013


17 Primary evidence-Results table Independent variable (units) X Dependent variable (units) RESULTS Y 123 average (c) Ghyland

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