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Architecture of the COREP-XBRL mapper Java based web application Uses only open source packages of Java + struts.jar for the GUI + poi.jar for the reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Architecture of the COREP-XBRL mapper Java based web application Uses only open source packages of Java + struts.jar for the GUI + poi.jar for the reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Architecture of the COREP-XBRL mapper Java based web application Uses only open source packages of Java + struts.jar for the GUI + poi.jar for the reading of excel + jdom.jar for the building of xml + xml jar files for the xml schema validation (xalan.jar, xerces.jar) + tomcat server to run the application

2 Architecture of the mapper Web Server (Tomcat) Servlet JSP http://localhost:9080/corep/ HTTP coreptest file GUI (html) instance document (xml) URL

3 Architecture of the mapper Java based web application Uses only open source packages of Java struts.jar for the GUI poi.jar for the reading of excel jdom.jar for the building of xml xml jar files for the xml schema validation a tomcat server to run the application

4 How the XBRL-COREP Mapper works I the application provides the possiblity to upload the coreptest files (formats and descripting sheets must be removed by running an integrated excel macro) a java representation of the excel file is built by using the poi functionality the object contains sheet, row and cell object for each corept template the rows are read and transformed into a partial jdom (xml) tree

5 How the XBRL-COREP Mapper works II all partial xml trees are added to the xbrl root element XBRL the complete jdom document is checked to be: wellformed valid according the xml schema rules the xml output is sent with the response to a new window of the browser the file can be saved to the file system

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