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Staff Meeting October 3, 2011. Bell Work Write your name on an index card. Select answer A or B for this question: After an IEP... –A. make copies and.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Meeting October 3, 2011. Bell Work Write your name on an index card. Select answer A or B for this question: After an IEP... –A. make copies and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Meeting October 3, 2011

2 Bell Work Write your name on an index card. Select answer A or B for this question: After an IEP... –A. make copies and send the original to the Special Ed office. –B. send the original to Special Education. Copies will be mailed from there. Place the index card in the collection box.


4 Agenda Michael Shelton -- –State of the Department –Data –SE office responsibilities –Change –Special Education PTA iLearn -- Chris Kenninburg Discipline -- Jim Emerick & Gail Milburn Medicaid -- Joshua Tynan Mary Raftary -- –IEPs –Printers

5 State of the Department

6 MME Spring 2011 STUDENTS TESTED: 2010 = 61 2011 = 97

7 iLearn 2 Course: Special Education Password for registering: udlsped

8 Discipline and Students with Disabilities 2011 Time is essential

9 What is a “Removal” ? The term “removal” refers to removing a student with a disability from instruction for disciplinary reasons without the opportunity to continue to progress in the general education curriculum, continue to receive services specified on the student’s IEP, and to continue participation with nondisabled students to the extent they would have in their current placement (FED. REG. p. 46715).

10 District Discipline Procedures for Students with Disabilities Each district must have written discipline procedures for students with disabilities that include: Tracking the number of days of suspension Determining a pattern of removal Communication with Special Education Team Parent notification, including procedural safeguards The provision of a FAPE/IAES The MDR process Behavior interventions/supports

11 Discipline Tracking Record (DTR)

12 11th Day FAPE Once a student with a disability has reached 10 days of suspension in a school year, services must be provided during any additional days of suspension/removal (i.e., beginning with the 11 th day) so as to enable the student to continue to participate in the general education curriculum and to progress toward meeting the goals set out in the student’s IEP. In most cases, the student’s case manager in consultation with the student’s other teachers/service providers and the school administrator will determine the extent of services to be provided. In cases of special circumstances or removals that result in a change in placement, services must be determined by the IEPT. The setting/placement in which these services are provided is the Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES).

13 Discipline Services Record

14 Discipline Services Log

15 Parent Notification Written notification must be sent to the student’s parents in both of the following situation: –If the length of the suspension will result in the student having accumulated more than 10 days of suspension within the school year –If it is determined that the suspension constitutes a “change in placement” The notice will be sent on the date that is recorded in column 3 of the student’s DTR. Special Education Procedural Safeguards must be sent with the notification letter.

16 Notice of a Change of Placement

17 What is an MDR? An MDR is a meeting that is held to determine whether the behavior subject to the disciplinary action has a direct and substantial relationship to the student’s disability.

18 MDR Form

19 Ensuring FAPE in an Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES) In cases of special circumstances or removals that result in a change in placement, services must be determined by the IEPT. The setting/placement in which these services are provided is the IAES and must be determined on an individual basis based on the student’s IEP.

20 Interim Alternative Educational Setting (IAES)

21 Notice for Provision of Programs and Services

22 Medicaid

23 Scripts for Medicaid Eligible Students A physician’s script is required for OT, PT, O&M or nursing services Must be legible The physician’s National Provider Identification (NPI) number is helpful Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner scripts must be co-signed by a physician

24 Guidelines for Claims We must submit at least 85% of claims submitted during each month last year. Failure to submit 85% of claims: –1st month: warning from state –2nd month: payments stop –3rd month: pay back all payments year-to- date; wait until current year is reconciled, which takes > a year

25 Who May Bill Licensed Audiologists Early Identification/Intervention Personnel RNs and LPNs Occupational Therapists Orientation and Mobility Specialists Licensed Physical Therapists and Physical Therapy Assistants Psychologists with full licenses AND those with limited licenses who supervised Social Workers Special Education classroom teachers Teacher Consultants Speech Pathologists with Cs AND those without Cs who are supervised Personal Care Paraprofessionals DO NOT BILL IF YOU ARE ON CAROL’S ‘DO NOT BILL’ LIST!!

26 Regarding September Some eligible students were not flagged until late in September. Double-check your caseload in Service Tracker for eligibility flags. All students made eligible at any time in September were eligible for the entire month.

27 For More Information Register for iLearn. There you will find links to: –The Medicaid (AKA: Fee for Service) manual –Tip sheets –Training videos You may also go directly to the RESA website and locate the fee for service materials: Look down the left column for tip sheets and the manual.

28 IEPs 2000th IEP 2010-2011 Change in process Count Day

29 Printers

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