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Dr. Barbara Power April, 2013
Major Objectives from the LMCC
Describe common causes of delirium Recognize risk factors, and means of prevention of delirium Identify the difference between Delirium and Dementia Work up and treatment of delirium when it does occur, and management of behavioral problems
Synonyms for Delirium Acute confusional state Organic brain syndrome
Toxic/metabolic encephalopathy Out of it Uncooperative
So What? Why is Delirium Important?
3 criteria: Common, Morbidity & Costly! Death ~20-35% Cognitive drop in 40% Premature institutionalization on admit? 15-24% in hospital?14-31% Ortho? 25-65% ICU: 70%! LOS doubles ++ hospital $ Caregiver burden
Case - Delirium Mrs G. 79 year old lady
lives alone, manages own apartment slightly forgetful (according to daughter) PMed Hx: HTN; Insomnia Meds: Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg OD Amitriptyline 50 mg qhs Oxazepam mg qhs Occasional alcohol use
Case - Delirium Admisssion to Hospital
Tripped on rug, sustained a hip fracture Brought to hospital. Spends 12 hours in ER waiting for bed What are the risk factors that make Mrs. F vulnerable to developing delirium? Suggest actions that could be initiated to reduce her risk of developing delirium
Case - Delirium Admisssion to Hospital ORIF the following day 1st POD
climbing over bedrails shouting all night sleeping in day pulling out her IV’s What are the key features of delirium that the MD should elicit in Mrs. G?
The First Question –What is this?
Is this Delirium? Dementia?? Or something else???
Delirium Definition: a disturbance of consciousness with inattention that develops over a short time & fluctuates
Delirium (DSM-IV) A: Disturbance of consciousness (reduced clarity of
awareness of the environment) with reduced ability to focus, sustain or shift attention B: Change in cognition (eg. memory deficit, disorientation, language disturbance) or development of a perceptual disturbance not due to pre-existing, established or developing dementia C: The disturbance develops over a short period of time (hours to days) and tends to fluctuate during the course of the day. D. Evidence of aetiology
Delirium versus Dementia?
Acute Inattention AbN LOC Fluctuations/minutes Reversible Hallucinations common DEMENTIA Gradual Memory disturbance N LOC None/days Irreversible Hallucinations common only in advanced disease It is common for Delirium to be superimposed on Dementia!
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
1. History of acute onset of change in patient’s normal mental status & fluctuating course? AND Lack of attention? AND EITHER 3. Disorganized thinking? Altered Level of Consciousness? Sensitivity: % Specificity: 90-95% Kappa: 0.81 Inouye SK: Ann Intern Med 1990;113(12):941-8 Arch Intern Med. 1995; 155:301
Testing Attention Formal methods: Affects all other areas of cognition
MMSE: Serial 7’s, WORLD backwards Digit Span: 5 forwards, 4 backwards Days of Week, Months of Year backwards Affects all other areas of cognition
Delirium: Cognitive Evaluation
MMSE: inaccurate tool to diagnose delirium as the patient: fluctuates has poor attention/concentration helpful tool to demonstrate improvement in cognitive status when following patient.
Psychomotor Variants of Delirium :
Hyperactive ("wild man!"); 25% Hypoactive ("out of it!“, “pleasantly confused”); 50% - Individuals often not recognized as they may not cause a disturbance so they don’t get ATTENTION Mixed delirium (features of both), with reversal of normal day-night cycle (“sundowning”)
Case – Delirium: CAM Acute /Fluctuating Course
Altered level of Consciousness Inattention Disorganized Thinking 9 am 1 pm
What are the risk factors that make Mrs
What are the risk factors that make Mrs. F vulnerable to developing delirium?
Top 4 Independent Risk Factors for Delirium
Vision impairment: RR=3.5 ( ) Any severe illness: RR=3.5 ( ) Cognitive impairment: RR=2.8 ( ) High Urea/Creatinine: RR= 2.0 ( ) Inouye S. Ann Intern Med 1993:
What causes delirium: Inouye Delirium Model
Frail 89 y.o. with baseline dementia Fit 65 y.o. who plays senior’s hockey Minimal precipitant needed Strong or repeated precipitant needed Mental status is considered the 4th vital sing, because what the brain needs to function is what keeps us all alive. In general, we a good at recognizing acute medical conditions producing a confusional state. However, as we heard this morning, delirium is often the result of a complex interaction between susceptibility factors of the host, and precipitating external factors
Causes of Delirium? brain’s way of demonstrating “acute organ dysfunction” Anything that hurts the brain or impairs its proper functioning can provoke a delirium!
I WATCH DEATH Mnemonic I Infection: Most common are pneumonias & UTI in elderly, but sepsis, cellulitis, SBE and meningitis can also occur
I WATCH DEATH I Infection W Withdrawal: benzodiazapines, ETOH,
I WATCH DEATH I Infection W Withdrawal
A Acute metabolic: electrolytes, renal failure, acid-base disorders, abnormal glycemic control, Calcium
I WATCH DEATH I Infection W Withdrawal A Acute metabolic
T Trauma: head injury (SDH, SAH), pain, vertebral or hip fracture, urinary retention, fecal impaction
I WATCH DEATH I Infection W Withdrawal A Acute metabolic T Trauma
C CNS pathology H Hypoxia from COPD exacerbation, CHF
I WATCH DEATH I Infection D Deficiencies W Withdrawal E Endocrine
A Acute metabolic T Trauma C CNS pathology H Hypoxia D Deficiencies E Endocrine A Acute vascular/MI T Toxins-drugs: H Heavy metals
Medication review: Look at all prescriptions
include PRNs, regular, ETOH and OTC meds Ask if anything has been added, changed or stopped Watch for sleeping meds ie Gravol; Nytol,
In other words, anything that makes an older person very very sick…
…can cause a delirium in a vulnerable older person!
Delirium Workup On History: time course of mental status changes?
association with other events (i.e.. meds, illness)? Pre-existing impairments of cognition or sensory modalities?
Physical Exam Vitals: normal range of BP, HR Spo2, Temp?
Good physical exam: particular emphasis on Cardiac, pulmonary and neurologic systems Hydration status ? (dry axilla=dehyd!; + LR ~3) Also rule out fecal impaction (DRE) urinary retention (bladder U/S, in-and-out catheter) Infected decubatis ulcer
Delirium workup: Lab testing
Basic labs most helpful! CBC, lytes, BUN/Cr, glucose TSH, B-12, LFTs Calcium, & albumin Infection workup (Urinalysis, CXR) +/- blood cultures Other investigations based on Hx- EKG/CT Scan/Drug levels
Case - Delirium Admisssion to Hospital ORIF the following day 1st POD
climbing over bedrails shouting all night sleeping in day pulling out her IV’s What are the main immediate treatments you would initiate?
Delirium Reduction: You can get improvement of delirium with such simple measures as: Glasses Using hearing aids Fluids/nutrition reducing noise Early mobility Familiar faces S Inouye A multicomponent intervention to prevent delirium in hospitalized older patients. N Engl J Med Mar 4;340(9):
Can We Prevent Delirium
Multi component intervention strategy targeted to 6 delirium risk factors Ref: Inouye SK, NEJM ;340:
Yale Delirium Prevention Trial Risk Factors Intervention
Cognitive Impairment Reality orientation / therapeutic activities program Vision/Hearing impairment Vision / hearing aids / adaptive equipment Immobilization Early mobilization / Reduce immobilizing equipment Psychoactive medication Non pharmacologic approaches to sleep / anxiety / Restricted use of sleeping medication Dehydration Early recognition / Volume expansion Sleep deprivation Noise reduction strategies/sleep enhancement program Ref: Inouye SK, NEJM ;340:
Yale Delirium Prevention Trial Significance
Practical intervention towards evidence based risk factors Significant reduction in risk of delirium ( 9.9% in intervention group vs 15% in usual care) Significant reduction in total delirium days
Pharmacological Rx: Goals
Reverse psychotic signs and symptoms stop dangerous or potentially dangerous behavior To calm the patient sufficiently to conduct the necessary evaluation and treatment
Drug Treatment of Agitation
Only 4 RCTs (largest N=73): Neuroleptics preferable to benzodiazepines in most cases (except: PD, DLBD, ETOH) Low dose high potency neuroleptics (e.g., starting at haloperidol mg) Newer “atypical” agents: no better than haloperidol Avoid Combination Drugs – SINGLE Drug is better Lacasse et. al., Ann Pharm, 2006
IF SEVERE AGITATION consider Rx w/ high potency antipsychotic:
Haloperidol: po/IM/(IV short acting): start with mg initial dose Repeat dose of mg Q30 minutes if patient remains unmanageable without adverse events until sedation achieved and continue monitoring repeat cycle until acceptable response or adverse events occur max suggested Haldol dose in frail elderly 3-4mg/24 hr Maintenance: 50% loading dose in divided doses over next 24 hrs Taper the dose as soon as possible Avoid in individuals with Parkinson’s Disease
Benzodiazepines 1. Avoid use in combination with antipsychotics - SINGLE drug is better. 2. May cause disinhibition/increased agitation. 3. Best reserved for Delirium 2o to alcohol / Benzodiazepine withdrawal. 4. Relatively contraindicated in Delirium from Hepatic Encephalopathy.
Summary - Recognition of Delirium
Delirium is Common Yale- New Haven study 65% of cases unrecognized by Physicians Don’t be part of that group!
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