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Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene 6th Edition

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1 Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene 6th Edition
Chapter 4: The Ears Compiled by Allen Sullivan, Assistant Professor, Safety and Health Management Central Washington University

2 Ear Anatomy External Ear auricle (pinna) external auditory canal
vibrissae cerumen

3 Ear Anatomy (cont.) Middle Ear tympanic membrane ossicular chain
malleus (hammer) incus (anvil) stapes (stirrup) eustachian tube oval window

4 Ear Anatomy (cont.) Inner Ear cochlea vestibular system

5 Pathology of the External Ear
Auricle (pinna) trauma frostbite dermatitis and infection Auditory Canal foreign objects live insects wax impaction narrowing of ear canal

6 Pathology of Middle Ear
Eustachian Tube plugged v. open Eardrum infections perforations/rupture Ossicular Chain fixation interruption

7 Pathology of Inner Ear Cochlea Vestibular System Eighth Cranial Nerve
congenital/developmental defects systemic diseases (MS, diabetes) infection (mumps) exposure to noise exposure to toxins (medications, solvents) circulatory problems (stroke) trauma (concussion, skull fracture) Vestibular System Eighth Cranial Nerve presbycusis tinnitus

8 Hearing Measurement Air Conduction Testing Bone Conduction Testing

9 Effects of Noise Exposure
Noise-Induced Hearing Loss factors sound level frequency distribution duration temporal distribution type of sound energy individual differences concurrent exposure to ototoxins

10 Non-Auditory Effects of Noise
Communication loudness and clarity Speech Sounds vowels and consonants Physiological Response blood pressure sleep disturbance pregnancy Background Noise Quality of Life

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