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“Citizens Serving Communities” Reaching Out... Bringing the CAP AE and Cadet Message to America's Schools and Communities Presenters: Dr. Jeff Montgomery,

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Presentation on theme: "“Citizens Serving Communities” Reaching Out... Bringing the CAP AE and Cadet Message to America's Schools and Communities Presenters: Dr. Jeff Montgomery,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Citizens Serving Communities” Reaching Out... Bringing the CAP AE and Cadet Message to America's Schools and Communities Presenters: Dr. Jeff Montgomery, HQ CAP/AE Chief; Susan Mallett, HQ CAP/SEP Manager; and Angie St. John, HQ CAP/SEP Asst Manager Learning Lab AE02:

2 “Citizens Serving Communities” Spreading the Message  Why recruit teachers in America’s classrooms to become Aerospace Education Members (AEMs)?  The Fly-A-Teacher program is an exciting benefit of membership and a mutually-beneficial activity for teachers and CAP volunteers.... allowing CAP pilots to hlep inspire future citizens by bringing the skies into the classroom.  CAP’s free educational products and programs include fun, hands-on aerospace activities to enhance the core curriculum, and thus, possibly inspire young people to pursue aerospace careers to fulfill the workforce needs of tomorrow.

3 “Citizens Serving Communities” Where do you start?  Locate teachers in your community who might be open to hearing about how to Make Aerospace Real for Students in their classrooms.  Teachers of CAP members’ children or grandchildren  Teachers in church or civic organizations  Teacher friends or relatives  Teachers in schools in the neighborhood

4 “Citizens Serving Communities” Recruitment “Hooks”  Quickly present a few benefits of AE Membership:  Fly-a-Teacher Orientation Flights  Free national standards-based educational materials  AEX Awards program for teachers and students  Opportunities for students who become cadets

5 “Citizens Serving Communities” Presentation is the key… Presentation is the key…  Teachers want to see what is “in it for them” with a quick, clear overview to include immediate tangible resources for easy use.  Teachers may be leery of military-style clothing and perceived associated obligations, so dress should be a nice shirt with a CAP logo on it for initial presentation.  Counter possible reasons why NOT to include CAP in the classroom with exciting reasons TO include the programs.  Stress the “ease” of integrating AE products and programs into the curriculum, and, the ulitimate benefits to students.  Share quick success stories of successful CAP cadets, who are the direct result of being motivated toward aerospace by their teachers. (Sample stories will be shared in Learning Lab.)

6 “Citizens Serving Communities” How do you do it?  Prepare your materials and outline for presentation. (Sample presentation guides will be shared in the Learning Lab.)  Practice your presentation for clarity and adequate pace of presentation.  Make an appointment with the principal for presentation to the school faculty.  Don’t come too early (schools are busy places), but early enough to set up and prepare.  Stay on track with your outlined presentation, and the time allotted for your presentation.  Demonstrate a sample CAP AE lesson for example and fun. (Hands-on sample lessons to be presented in Learning Lab.)  Provide contact information for follow up questions.  Depart with a significant message or promotional item that will remind the teachers of your esteemed organization, CAP.

7 “Citizens Serving Communities” Follow-up  If you promised to follow up with a member of the staff, do so, and promptly, with an e-mail or mailed note.  If audience response was poor, do not take it personally; teachers have a great deal of responsibility and accountability on their minds. Follow- up with a nice e-mail or note to the principal or teachers.  If teachers joined CAP, turn in applications and payment promptly for processing so the teachers will receive their free educational materials promptly.  If a Fly-a-Teacher flight is promised, work with the Wing Fly-a- Teacher PoC to get that organized as soon as possible.  Get ready for the next presentation; making revisions and improvements to the presentation each time.

8 “Citizens Serving Communities” What Next?  Schedule presentations at community service organizations or churches to present the CAP benefits for the community.  Present the opportunity for the organization to “sponsor” teacher memberships.  Present the opportunity for CAP members to volunteer in classrooms or cadet units to assist with AE and Cadet programs.  Keep CAP AE and CP promotional brochures handy for those “on the spot” contacts!

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