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Handheld Basics The Journal: Traveling Through Literature.

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Presentation on theme: "Handheld Basics The Journal: Traveling Through Literature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handheld Basics The Journal: Traveling Through Literature

2 Palm M130

3 Turn on Your Palm Handheld Computer

4 Setup Digitizing Tap exactly in the center of each target This aligns the position of your stylus to the screen’s electronic touch sensors Each time you turn on your handheld you will need to digitize Preferences Buttons Digitize Time & Date Practicing Graffiti

5 Graffiti Write inside this box

6 Graffiti Letters on the left side Numbers on the right side

7 Graffiti

8 Graffiti Writing Tips Hold the stylus normally Heavy dot indicates starting point Write large with sharp corners Write with normal pressure

9 Graffiti Practice your graffiti Play Giraffe

10 Think of Your Computer Scroll Buttons (Mouse Wheel) Hard Buttons (Function Keys) Launcher (Hard Drive) Stylus (Mouse)

11 Think of Your Computer Menu Area (Menus) Categories (Folders)

12 “Soft” Buttons 1.Launcher (Home, Applications) 2.Menu 3. Calculator 4. Find

13 “Hard” Buttons Date Book Address Book To Do Note Pad

14 Entering Text External keyboard Graffiti Synchronize On-screen Keyboard Beaming

15 Memo Pad Task: Create a memo using an external keyboard to enter information

16 Address Book Task: Create your own record in the Address Book including the following: Last Name First Name Home Phone Email Address Custom 1: Guardian’s Name Custom 2: Guardian’s Work Phone

17 Beaming Basics Point to another Palm handheld within 3 feet Align the handhelds on the same geometric plane Sender: Opens record and chooses “Beam Address” from menu Receiver: chooses to accept via “yes” or “no” buttons

18 Beaming Task: Beam your address information to the instructor

19 Date Book Task: Create an appointment and reschedule it during the week

20 Note Pad Create a new note Write on the screen

21 Note Pad Task: Create a Note

22 PicoMap Task: Brainstorm a topic using PicoMap

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