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Development Alterations. Gametes Mitosis and Meiosis Compared.

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Presentation on theme: "Development Alterations. Gametes Mitosis and Meiosis Compared."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development Alterations

2 Gametes

3 Mitosis and Meiosis Compared

4 Homologous Chromosome Pairs

5 Chromosomes

6 Human Diploid Chromosome Number 22 pair Autosomes 1 pair Sex Chromosomes

7 Chromosomal Abnormalities

8 Trisomy

9 Sex Chromosome Numbers

10 Sex Chromosome Abnormalities


12 Ovulation of Secondary Oocyte

13 Ovarian Cysts

14 Anovulation

15 Fertilization Site

16 Ectopic Pregnancy


18 Salphingitis Secondary to PID

19 Fertilization

20 Fertilization Process

21 Infertility

22 Meiosis and Amphixus

23 End Result of Fertilization Creates Fertilized Egg Zygote Blastomeres Chromosomes Establishes 2n Determines Sex

24 Natural Fertilization vs. IVF

25 Zygote

26 Mitosis After Fertilization

27 Mitosis


29 Cleavage of Zygote

30 2 cell stage of the zygote with Blastomeres [stem cells]

31 Fraternal Twins

32 Identical Twins

33 Identical Twin Development

34 Conjoined Twins

35 4 cell stage of the zygote

36 Embryonic Stem Cells

37 8 cell stage of the zygote

38 16 cell stage of zygote = Morula

39 Morula Location

40 Blastocyst and Blastocele

41 Review of Zygote  Blastula

42 Implantation

43 Miscarriage


45 Gastrula Formation

46 Gastrulation


48 Tissue Derivatives

49 Placentation

50 Examples of Placenta Types Discoid Placenta Zonary Placenta Cotyledenary Placenta

51 Placental Examination

52 Vaginal Bleeding

53 Fetal Problems

54 Placenta abruptio


56 Placenta Previa

57 Surgical Treatment for Placenta Previa

58 Placenta Acreta

59 Placenta types in twins

60 Placenta and Amnion in Twins

61 Extra Embryonic Membranes Chorion Fetal portion of placenta Villi extensions Allantois Umbilical cord Forms part of U.bladder Yolk Sac Gamete Hematocytoblast Forms part of GI tract Amnion

62 Chorion and Chorionic Villi

63 Amnion

64 Amnionic Sac


66 Yolk Sac

67 Allantois

68 Umbilical Cord Knotted

69 Patent Urachus

70 Embryonic Period

71 Primitive Streak Formation

72 Neural Tube

73 Neural Tube Defects

74 Embryonic System Development

75 8 week Embryo Human embryos Pig embryos

76 Fetal Development

77 Fetal Period 14 week 4 month fetus

78 Critical Development Stages

79 Pregnancy Changes

80 Gestational Diabetes

81 Pre-eclampsia

82 Uterine Changes

83 Diagnostic Tests Ultrasound

84 Stem Cell Research

85 Embryonic Reproductive Development

86 Normal Presentation

87 Other Presentations

88 Labor Stages: Dilation

89 Labor Stages: Expulsion

90 Labor Stages: Placental Passage

91 Retained Placenta

92 Fetal Circulatory Bypasses

93 Patent Ductus Arteriosis (PDA)

94 Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)

95 Congenital Heart Defects

96 Apgar Score and Fetal Monitoring development\Apgar Sign_chart.doc development\Apgar Sign_chart.doc

97 Other Congenital Defects Dermoid CystTeratoma


99 Summary

100 Questions?

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