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University of Tasmania Tasmania, Australia Professor Arthur Sale Unifying ETD with Open Access Repositories.

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1 University of Tasmania Tasmania, Australia Professor Arthur Sale Unifying ETD with Open Access Repositories

2 MUQ 2-32 Key messages Universities worldwide failing to meet ETD responsibilities, including Australia Slow reaction to digital convergence ETD collections are due for retirement Train PhDs in research dissemination Empower the contributors/authors

3 MUQ 2-33 Public Money While a PhD thesis may have achieved its purpose in gaining a degree, burying the research result only in a paper collection is indefensible. Almost every thesis is generated elec- tronically, so lodging it is easy for the candidate/graduate. Most PhD theses if not all are publicly funded.

4 MUQ 2-34 When and how? At the time of lodging the paper copy for Library cataloguing Restrictions on access may apply if appropriate, but still the copy should be lodged and mounted on the repository so the abstract etc can be visible and indexed Exemptions (eg Fine Arts) by application

5 MUQ 2-35 Why not? Laziness and apathy ‘We haven’t done this before’ ‘Let’s wait until DETYA requires it’ ‘This will involve the Library in more work’ ‘Who knows, it may impact on the graduate’s chance of publishing something out of the thesis’

6 MUQ 2-36 Special Collection? In paper-based libraries, theses are only authorized/published by the university They are precious in that copies/reprints are not available (so seldom loaned, but equally seldom accessed) The collection is part of the University’s QA portfolio They have archival value

7 MUQ 2-37 Digital Convergence Most research publications are basically written digitally, including theses The differences do not warrant differentiation: –duplication is not an issue –archiving is absorbed into a larger strategy –access globally is easy –authority can rest with university as publisher –QA needs are enhanced

8 MUQ 2-38 Open Access Integration! All digital objects should be in the same open access repository Feasibility established (available for Eprints, DSpace on request) Archiving, open access, management, costs all reduced Bibliometric information can be derived, also value-adding

9 MUQ 2-39 Researcher training Getting PhD candidates to archive their papers as their candidature proceeds  training to be a researcher Transition to thesis access easy and natural Even for ICT illiterate or OA-ignorant candidates, introduction to open access at thesis time assists in generic skills acquisition

10 MUQ 2-310 Empowerment Has anyone read my thesis? Where were they from? How did they find it? Did it have a research impact? Is this a good area to keep working on? Can I find collaborators to work with in future?

11 MUQ 2-311 Let’s go interactive! Some URLs: UTas UniMelb ADTP IAR =home&country=au =home&country=au =home&country=au ARROW

12 MUQ 2-312

13 MUQ 2-313 Questions? 75%

14 MUQ 2-314 © Copyright 2005 Arthur Sale All rights reserved Arthur Sale asserts the right to be recognized as author of this work Contact:

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