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AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Australian Marine data, AODCJF and BlueNet Kate Roberts, Director BlueNet Project.

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Presentation on theme: "AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Australian Marine data, AODCJF and BlueNet Kate Roberts, Director BlueNet Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Australian Marine data, AODCJF and BlueNet Kate Roberts, Director BlueNet Project

2 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Presentation BlueNet AODCJF Metadata activities MEST development Oceans Portal IMOS (Integrated Marine Observing System)

3 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 BlueNet project BlueNetFunding to kick-start BlueNet from DEST BlueNetBlueNet aims to build a data-sharing culture within Universities. –Entails creation of the necessary support infrastructures (including guidelines, software, training, etc) for researchers in the University sector to participate in data-sharing and more effective data discovery and data re-use, into the future BlueNetBlueNet partners (AODCJF, BlueNet Project Office, APAC, APSR) are building a virtual data repository for delivery and longterm curation of Australian marine data –professionally-managed –state-of-the-art/ best practice –sustainable

4 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 BlueNet background Integrates marine researchers at Australian Universities into the AODCJF data sharing and discovery network BlueNetManagement of BlueNet is from the Project Office at the University of Tasmania Staff are employed at member universities and AODCJF agencies to facilitate the flow of data

5 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 BlueNet collaboration BlueNetBuilding a long-term BlueNet involves development and/or promotion of: –Common legal agreements –Guidelines –Standards –Protocols –Sustainable practices BlueNet engaged in developing agreements, addressing IP/ licencing needs, addressing authentication/access issues, developing training and support; Software development (MEST, Portal)

6 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 BlueNet partners AODCJF agencies APAC/TPAC (Tasmania Partnership for Advanced Computing) University Partners –Australian National University –James Cook University –University of Melbourne –University of Sydney –University of Queensland –University of Western Australia –University of Tasmania Other universities will join as the project develops

7 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Metadata activities Metadata is a critical component for AODCJF to provide the mechanism for data discovery AODCJF has developed a “marine community of practice profile” of ISO 19115 international standard; Implementing a marine catalogue service as part of the Oceans Portal Developing controlled vocabularies to describe data

8 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Marine Community Profile Marine Profile Includes all ISO19115 core metadata components Extends 19115 to include several new elements, and customised codelists to meet the need of the marine community Is compliant with new ANZLIC profile

9 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Metadata tool AODCJF identified the need for a common Metadata Entry and Search Tool (MEST) ISO19115 compliant; Ability to implement the Marine Profile, and other related profiles To be adopted by most of the AODCJF organisations: replace existing non-ISO systems; –Make available to other marine data providers.

10 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Metadata tool requirements Web-accessible; Open source software; Allow (ISO19115/ Marine Profile) metadata creation, validation, storage, edit, retrieval and display Importing /Exporting – in batch mode, or singly; Conversion between profiles (support use of conversion programs – internally, or by linking to external services); Conversion between vocabularies; Ease of updating vocabularies; Customised record-numbering/tagging; Allow easy update processes (update/overrwrite, replace/ remove earlier one, etc) Allow local badging, and other customisation, including additiion of fields needed for core business processes (eg financial details);

11 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Metadata tool requirements Facilitate complex boolean searching, and cross-field searching; Federated searching –using range of protocols: HTTP, z39.50/SRW, OAI –Connection of individual MEST instances to other MESTs, and the ASDD Support harvesting of metadata by external agents (e.g. into the ASDD and into the Marine Catalogue -for access by Ocean Portal) Support Users-Levels, and management of varying permissions; (edit rights, view rights, delete rights, etc) Connection to external authentication systems; Freely available for distribution

12 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Metadata tool development MEST development approach : staged process: GeoNetwork software selected [for Stage 1]; Developer selected; Stage 1 Simple / immediate need Import Marine Profile Assess/ Report on robustness and suitability of software for Stage 2 Gap Analysis; Stage 2 Address longterm community needs Cross-searching, Harvesting, Authentication using remote authorities; Complex boolean searching, and cross-field searching; etc

13 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Metadata tool development Challenges Software has strong XML emphasis…skills deficit Documentation poor; Error messages unclear; Off-the-shelf version –not ISO19115 compliant (contrary to PR); –Doesn’t allow use of schematron, in validation; Newer version almost finalised; MEST Development Reference Group; –Design choices / varying needs (eg store as XML blob, and/or as fields in relational DB) –Expertise on metadata use, or system design

14 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 International activities The IOC/IODE community will implement a marine profile of ISO 19115 The AODCJF Marine Community Profile is being considered Will replace the current DIF format MEST could be also be used by IOC Recommendation to be made in March 2007

15 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 International activities Marine Metadata Interoperability (MMI) Sensor Metadata Interoperability workshop (October 06) Goal: to establish consensus on a content standard to describe sensors in ocean observing systems. AODCJF Marine Community Profile was one of five standards evaluated One option: use the Marine Profile to describe data collected by sensors using SensorML

16 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Oceans Portal Development and testing complete To be deployed Dec.2006 Portal installed at DEH, Canberra Marine Catalogue installed at CMAR, Hobart Will draw on resources, expertise, support from AODCJF agencies, as well as from BlueNet and other partners;



19 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 Oceans Portal Design Metadata driven –data or information service must have a metadata record; the integrity of the Portal is based on the quality of the metadata Discovery of any data or service –any data or information service that has its metadata record published will be discoverable by the user Multiple methods of access –Access will be through the Portal or through other client applications that adhere to the relevant standards Open standards –the Oceans Portal Project conforms to open standards The Oceans Portal uses the publish-bind-find model

20 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 IMOS Integrated Marine Observing System Five year project starting 2007 One of nine priority capability areas for National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) IMOS Nodes/Facilities across Australia

21 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006 IMOS “Investment” areas 1.Argo Australia 2.Enhancement of Measurements on Ships of Opportunity 3.Southern Ocean Automated Time Series Observations 4.Australian National Facility for Ocean Gliders 5.Australian National Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) Facility 6.Australian National Mooring Network 7.Australian Coastal Ocean Radar Network 8.Australian Acoustic Tagging and Monitoring System 9.Facility for Automated Intelligent Monitoring of Marine Systems 10.eMarine Information Infrastructure 11.Enhancing Access to Australian Ocean Remote Sensing Data

22 AUKEGGS 3 rd Workshop - 29 November 2006

23 eMarine Information Infrastructure eMII aims to: Provide a single integrative framework for data and information management, discovery and access for incoming IMOS data Host, manage and archive the data from the IMOS nodes Provide standards, protocols and systems to integrate the data and related information ….with a focus on eResearch needs. Therefore, international collaboration/ cooperation in the DM/IM space is even more important. eMII collaborating institutions: –AODCJF –BlueNet –TPAC

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