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Genetic Engineering Chapter 10.

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1 Genetic Engineering Chapter 10

2 What we are hoping to accomplish
Define genetic engineering. Explain the principles of genetic engineering. Explain and use the tools of genetic engineering. Show and describe the practical uses of genetic engineering. Discuss the various steps in PCR and transformation.

3 Biotechnology-Genetic Engineering
The application of biological and physical principles to alter the genes of organisms to help solve human problems Improving crops and their yield Producing insulin in bacteria Genetically modified vaccines Improving the freshness of fruits and vegetables

4 Industrial production Conservation Wildlife management
Biotechnology Historical Aspects Plant breeding Animal Breeding Wine making Dairy products Bread Antibiotics Herbal medicine Business and Industry Biomedical Agriculture Forensics Industrial production Conservation Wildlife management Multidisciplinary Research Biochemistry Molecular genetics Biophysics Immunology Cell culture Fermentation Bacteriology Bioengineering Genetic medicine Evolutionary biology Social and Ethical Implications Genetic privacy Ownership of info. Screening Engineered food Insurance Treatment DNA profiling Patenting of life

5 What does genetic engineering mean?
It means to isolate a gene from the DNA of one organism and transfer the gene into the DNA of another. We can do this because DNA is DNA in all organisms. It is made out of the same 4 nitrogen bases. The only difference is the sequence. From there, DNA codes for RNA and proteins.

6 Recombinant DNA A molecule of DNA made from pieces of DNA from separate organisms.


8 Restriction Enzyme An enzyme that is used to “cut” DNA at certain places along BOTH sides of the DNA. Most commonly used Restriction Enzymes BamHI- G/GATTC HindIII- A/AGCTT HpaII- C/CGG EcoR1- G/AATTC


10 Plasmids Circular piece of DNA found in bacteria.
Replicates separate chromosome DNA Contains very few genes Useful because they have antibiotic resistance genes on them. Typically used as VECTORS to transfer DNA from one organism to another.

11 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
A way to make an unlimited number of copies of one gene. How? DNA Polymerase is used to replicate the same DNA segment over and over. Why? Increasing the number (Crime Scenes) Sequencing (Prenatal diagnosis) Cloning (Woolly Mammoth)


13 3 Steps to PCR Denaturing- Stands of DNA separate by heating
Annealing- Reaction cooled, primers bind Elongation- Reaction heated again, DNA polymerase replicates the rest of the DNA from primer. Repeat steps 1-3 about 20-30x


15 DNA Fingerprinting DNA is sliced into fragments called RFLPs.
DNA is then separated by sequence length by gel electrophoresis. The result is for an individual different lengths of DNA that were cut by restriction enzymes that varies among alleles and individuals.

16 Gel Electrophoresis

17 How the Gel Works? DNA is negative
When DNA is placed next to a negative charge it will want to move towards the positive charge. The heavier strands will not travel as far as the lighter strands.

18 DNA fingerprinting in a crime scene

19 Who did it? How Do We Know? Crime Scene Suspect 1 Suspect 2 Suspect 3

20 Use in Crime Scenes 3 different Fingerprints are run
1/10,000 chance of matching an individual Two fingerprints will only match 1 out of 10,000 X 10,000 times Three matching prints would then be 1 in one trillion

21 The DNA Magnified using PCR
From blood, bone, flesh, hair follicle, semen, saliva, any source of DNA Analysis does not compare genes rather the information between genes where a great amount of variation exists RFLP analysis

22 Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) Analysis
Identifies locations and numbers of restriction sites of DNA.

23 Human Genome Project Purpose: Sequence the entire human genome.
Why: detect, treat, and prevent genetic diseases. Completed in 2003 Some of their findings for human DNA Approximately 20,000-25,000 genes (23,000) 3 billion base pairs make up the DNA. Only 1.5% is actually coding for protein Still left to do? Figure out how it all fits together.

24 My Own Human Genome Notes
If we think about building a house there are certain tasks that have to be done. Checklist of supplies How the parts fit together How the parts work together Similar to the Genome We have the checklist with HGP We still don’t exactly know where it is all located on chromosomes Or how they work together to contribute to health and diseases.

25 Typical Transformation Experiment
A target gene is isolated and removed by a restriction enzyme. Another restriction enzyme will cut the DNA of a vector (plasmids) and insert our target gene. Transfer the vector to the organism we want to modify. Transformation- the gene becomes one with its host and replicates producing clone copies. Screen the cells and select modified organism by identifying our gene of interest.


27 Why do we care? Humulin - Diabetes HGH - Dwarfism
Genetically Engineered Drugs Genetically Engineered Vaccines Humulin - Diabetes HGH - Dwarfism Factor VIII, Factor IX - Hemophilia t-PA – Heart attack, clot buster Lactoferrin – Milk protein Herpes II Hepatitis B Influenza

28 Why do we care? Cures for Genetic Diseases Forensic Science Cystic fibrosis Genetic testing Therapy Karyotyping DNA fingerprints Crime Paternity Predisposed to disease This may involve using stem cells, by taking somatic cells (like skin cells) and dedifferentiating them down to pluripotent stem cells.

29 Why do we care? Ti plasmid causes plant tumors
Plants Animals Ti plasmid causes plant tumors Glyphosate resistant crops (round-up ready) Pest resistance Improve taste and nutrition Vaccines grown in plants BST Lactoferrin Cloning

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