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Copyright Notice! This PowerPoint slide set is copyrighted by Ross Koning and is thereby preserved for all to use from for as long as that.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Notice! This PowerPoint slide set is copyrighted by Ross Koning and is thereby preserved for all to use from for as long as that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Notice! This PowerPoint slide set is copyrighted by Ross Koning and is thereby preserved for all to use from for as long as that website is available. Images lacking photo credits are mine and, as long as you are engaged in non-profit educational missions, you have my permission to use my images and slides in your teaching. However, please notice that some of the images in these slides have an associated URL photo credit to provide you with the location of their original source within internet cyberspace. Those images may have separate copyright protection. If you are seeking permission for use of those images, you need to consult the original sources for such permission; they are NOT mine to give you permission.

2 Tropical Biology (Costa Rica)
May 20-31, 2008 Register for Bio 360 and 320 for Spring $1900 approximate cost Scholarships Available! For more information: Dr. Elliott or Dr. Szczys G113 or Planetarium EML

3 Student Center Theater
ECSU Biology Club Meetings: Tuesdays, 5 PM, Goddard Lobby House Party 9 PM November 13 Student Center Theater Food etc.

4 Quiz 7: Highest score was one-question wrong. Congratulations !
Next-highest scores were 3 questions wrong…so I decided to adjust by 3 questions rather than 1. Obviously then, the highlighted score should be three columns to the left of what you earned. And for that one person…the resulting maximum score was 104.8% The Quiz 7 average was 70.9% The Course average of averages was 79.9% Next assignment due: Seed Germination Worksheet page 1 and 2 ONLY Monday, October 22, 2007. Please pick up two sample journal articles

5 Biology: What is Life? life study of Properties of Life
Cellular Structure: the unit of life, one or many Metabolism: photosynthesis, respiration, fermentation, digestion, gas exchange, secretion, excretion, circulation--processing materials and energy Growth: cell enlargement, cell number Movement: intracellular, movement, locomotion Reproduction: avoid extinction at death Behavior: short term response to stimuli Evolution: long term adaptation

6 Obtaining Food Heterotrophs need to
feed on other organisms, their by-products, or their dead bodies to survive

7 Heterotrophic Organisms
Herbivores: feed directly upon producers Carnivores: feed directly upon herbivores or other carnivores Omnivores: feed upon both producers and consumers Parasites: feed upon living organisms causing disease Saprobes: feed upon by-products and/or dead bodies Food is required as fuel for respiration: Cytosolic Glycolysis: sugars to pyruvate Mitochondrial Matrix Krebs Cycle: pyruvate to CO2 and NADH Mitochondrial Cristae ETS/Oxidative Phosphorylation: NADH and O2 to H2O and ADP + Pi to ATP

8 Here is an invertebrate animal collecting plant byproducts.
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company Nectar is a good supply of carbohydrate…not much else Pollen is a better supply of protein, vitamins, and minerals

9 Prokaryotes intake small organics from the surrounding medium…
by facilitated diffusion or active transport across cell membrane Digestive enzymes secreted into the medium convert macromolecules into subunits for uptake

10 Here is a fungus body…these penetrate living or dead tissues…
saprobe parasite ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company The haustoria digest the cells they penetrate or siphon off cellular components to support the fungal mycelium. Fungal digestion is basically EXTERNAL. Digestive enzymes are secreted into the food Subunits are absorbed by diffusion and active transport

11 These fungi are more “active” in their feeding...
They trap and strangle their nematode prey: Dactylella drechsleri B Arthrobotrys dactyloides sticky traps lasso ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company What is the difference between these two images?

12 engulfing prey by phagocytosis
The feeding of two Paramecium by one Amoeba engulfing prey by phagocytosis Paramecium ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company Amoeba entrapment in food vacuole for digestion An example of internal digestion

13 The feeding of Paramecium itself is also internal digestion:
1 cilia movement 2 5 ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company 4 3 capture phagocytosis enzymatic digestion subunit absorption waste elimination

14 Intracellular food digestion:
Golgi lysosome enzymes endoplasmic reticulum subunits waste exo- cytosis phago- cytosis food vacuole digestive vacuole phagocytosis of food food vacuole formation lysosome + food vacuole = digestive vacuole enzymatic digestion of food absorption of subunits exocytosis of waste

15 Gastrovascular cavity digestion in Cnidarian polyp
gland cell secretes digestive enzymes to disintegrate prey item into smaller particles and anus! ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company digestive cell takes in smaller particles for intracellular digestion This is a combination of external and internal digestion There is also a unique prey capture process in cnidarians

16 Cnidoblasts (cyan) contain nematocysts (yellow and blue)
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company This feature of cnidarians is perhaps most famous in the scyphozoans (jellyfish) and hydrozoans (Portuguese-man-o-war)

17 In flatworms, such as Dugesia, and like cnidarians, the mouth is also the anus…the digestive system is a blind pouch. Notice the corrugations to increase the surface area for nutrient absorption. ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

18 Nematode Tubular Digestive System
Nematode Tubular Digestive System

19 Earthworms also have a tubular digestive system
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

20 Earthworms also have a tubular digestive system
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

21 Spring 2007 Registration Advising
Go to the office of your academic advisor… do not telephone her/him! Danielle, Tina, Heather, Carlos: Media 224 Make an appointment… usually by sign-up sheet posted on the door Freshmen (<30 cr): November 26-30 Sophomores (30-<60 cr): November 5-9 Juniors (60-<90 cr): Oct 29-Nov 2 Seniors (>90 cr): THIS WEEK! Karl: The instructions for Seed Germination work in Excel 2007 Seed Germination Worksheet (pg 1 and 2 only) is due today.

22 The radula scrapes food from environmental surfaces.
This cartoon shows a longitudinal slice of a chiton with the three principal parts: foot (locomotion or attachment), visceral mass (internal organs), and mantle (secretes valves). The radula scrapes food from environmental surfaces. dorsal aorta gonad heart valve plates pericardial cavity (coelom) hemocoel ventricle radula auricle mantle mouth anus foot digestive gland stomach nephridium nephridiopore ventral nerve cord (not shown) gonopore

23 As for most molluscs, chitons use a radula to scrape their food from environmental surfaces. Below is a radula removed from a chiton mouth. Bivalve molluscs are filter feeders, however.

24 Spider Anatomy: Not that different from a mollusc in many ways.
Fang injects venom with digestive enzymes into prey The chelicera support tube as stomach sucks in liquified prey tissues Food passes through intestines for complete digestion/absorption Waste eliminated from anus

25 Insecta: the largest class out-numbers all other animals combined!
Just about every environment…except marine! Entomology: the study of insects Evolved in Devonian period 400 MYBP

26 Insects have the open circulation system found in chitons, etc.
A look inside: Insects have the open circulation system found in chitons, etc. The segmentation is not too far from the annelids. Much of the internal system is similar to molluscs. The major difference: spiracles on abdominal segments lead to tracheal tubes inside for gas exchange

27 This female mosquito has a diverticulum to hold a blood meal
The animal lives for 4-5 days on this one meal The protein is used for laying a “raft” of eggs in water ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

28 Most birds have a crop for holding food to feed offspring.
The gizzard assists in mechanical grinding of food. The cloaca is a single exit for: digestive urinary reproductive systems esophagus intestine stomach gizzard crop rectum cloaca

29 Blue whales and other baleen whales are filter feeders
You can see the baleen (teeth) of this whale that filter out krill ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

30 In most vertebrates, digestion begins with mastication using teeth
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

31 Dentition may include cutting, tearing, and grinding teeth
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company Juvenile teeth may be replaced by adult teeth

32 Among vertebrates the dentition has functional significance:
snake deer beaver ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company dog

33 The human digestive system:
amylase pepsin, HCl ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company trypsin, amylase, H2CO3 (alk), lipase bile (emulsifier) water reabsorption bacterial culture subunit absorption waste holding, elimination unknown

34 Seed Germination (page 1 and 2 only)
4 perfect papers…Congratulations! Average: 93.3% Scores will be included in course grade on next quiz. Get to work on creating your Z-test spreadsheet This will compare any treatment with its control. You will use the spreadsheet several times for this term project…so get going on it. Again, thanks to Karl for verifying that Office 2007 can use the instructions on page 5 of handout.

35 The movement of food in the digestive tube is by parastalsis
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

36 To increase the surface area of the absorptive regions of the intestine, the lining is corrugated and lined with villi ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

37 An intestinal cross section reveals the increased surface area:
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

38 The villi of the intestine have good blood supply for nutrient uptake
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company Notice how the villus is coated with microvilli…for more area!

39 microvilli villus Here you can see the microvilli from a single villus
©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company villus

40 The carnivorous adult has a shorter digestive system than
The herbivorous larva: Can you speculate why this might have evolved? ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

41 Horses cannot digest much of their food
Horses cannot digest much of their food. Microbes are only in the caecum. Horse manure makes good compost and food for fungi. Equus caballus

42 Oryctolagus cuniculus
Because their microbes are in their caecum too, rabbits pass material through their digestive system twice. Oryctolagus cuniculus

43 Ruminant animals use bacteria and archaeons to assist digestion
In ruminants, the microbe culture is mixed with masticated food in the rumen. The mixture is masticated repeatedly (chewing the cud) from this rumen to assist fermentation… especially hydrolysis of cellulose. Then the mixture passes to the rest of the digestive system Bos taurus ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company

44 It can represent 20% of the bird’s total weight!
The herbivorous tropical bird, the hoatzin, uses a muscular crop for its fermentation vat. It can represent 20% of the bird’s total weight! It is a poor flier. Its young falling, into swamps below, crawl back up into the nest using claws on the wings (like dinosaurs). ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company Opisthocomus hoazin

45 Digestion of polysaccharides
Starch amylase amylase amylase Maltose Glucose maltase maltase Glucose

46 Protein digestion in mammals:
Stomach pepsin amino end His Glu Tyr Thr Lys His Glu Ser Arg Asp Trp Thr Phe carboxyl end Pancreas chymotrypsin trypsin His Glu Tyr Thr Lys Ser Arg Asp Trp Phe terminal AA removers aminopeptidase carboxypeptidase His Glu Tyr Thr Lys Ser Arg Asp Trp Phe dipeptide splitter dipeptidase His Glu Tyr Thr Lys Ser Arg Asp Trp Phe His Glu Tyr Thr Lys Ser Arg Asp Trp Phe Individual Amino Acids For Absorption

47 Chymotrypsinogen conversion into chymotrypsin
Chymotrypsinogen from pancreas Activation by acidic pepsin cleavage ©1996 Norton Presentation Maker, W. W. Norton & Company Finished chymotrypsin with active site recognizing Tyr, Trp and Phe

48 pancreatic chymotrypsin
Summary of macromolecule digestion into subunits Polysaccharides starch (amylose) Disaccharides maltose sucrose lactose Monosaccharides gluose frucose galactose salivary amylase pancreatic amylase intestinal maltase sucrase lactase Proteins Peptides Amino Acids Endopeptidases: stomach pepsin pancreatic trypsin pancreatic chymotrypsin Exopeptidases: pancreatic intestinal monoglycerides pancreatic lipase Emulsified fats Fats (triglycerides) fatty acids liver bile glycerol direct absorption

49 Lacking mutation in adult shutdown of lactase production
lactose glucose + galactose In normal human genotypes, adult lactase production is shut down, making fermentation of milk products only by bacteria in the large intestine result in cramps, gas, and diarrhea. Lacking mutation in adult shutdown of lactase production <25% Dutch, Swedes, Danes, Swiss, US Whites, Germans, Slavs, Northern French, Northern Italians, Tutsi, Fulani (milk in adult diet) >40% Indian, Southern Italians, Saami, US Hispanics, Balkans, Mexicans, Maasai, Southern French, Greeks, South Americans, African Americans, Lebanese >80% Central Asians, Eskimo, Australian Aborigines, Bantu, Chinese, Southeast Asians, Native Americans (no milk in adult diet)

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