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STEM and MAV It is recommended that MAV Council support the establishment and development of a Victorian STEM group with a focus on primary and secondary.

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Presentation on theme: "STEM and MAV It is recommended that MAV Council support the establishment and development of a Victorian STEM group with a focus on primary and secondary."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEM and MAV It is recommended that MAV Council support the establishment and development of a Victorian STEM group with a focus on primary and secondary education. As a first step it could establish a Special Interest Group. The suggested name is STEM ED VICTORIA.

2 STEM capabilities Key concepts in responses from STEM graduates to the question: “What do you value most from your background in science?” Skills: research, learning and enquiry; problem solving; technical skills including observation, experimentation and quantitative skills; presentation and other work practices. Ways of thinking: analytical, logical, critical thinking, systematic, structured; questioning, evaluative, independence, reasoning, sceptical; objective, evidence-based, rational; open-minded; innovative, creative, lateral. Knowledge: scientific method, science as a process; STEM subject knowledge; foundational STEM knowledge and vocabulary. Source: Australian Council of Deans of Science

3 DET Strategic Plan for 2014-17 STEM!!

4 Current STEM for Victoria ESTEME STAV annual STEM conference Mag-net group – has experience VETiS and VCAL (with design/production facilities) e.g. Inner Melbourne VET Cluster Quantum Victoria (has laboratories) Scienceworks etc, worksite visits TAFE activities - central and regional

5 and also STEM Australia – SA Government site STELR – Melbourne based, by Academy of TS&E University of Tasmania Community STEM Macquarie Uni LEAP Robotics Australian STEM Video Game Challenge - ACER Interstate Conferences

6 Why should MAV take the lead? 1.STEM goals are consistent with MAV goals, but an extension into other fields of knowledge. 2.Some so-called STEM providers leave out the maths 3.MAV has good membership coverage good resources - finance, staff and systems 3. MAV can (should!) cooperate with other interested parties

7 Getting Started - Requirements Obtain signatures of at least 7 MAV members in support of a STEM Special Interest Group. Establish an interim committee of at least President, Secretary and Treasurer.

8 Getting started - Policy 1.Develop a vision statement that includes a definition of STEM appropriate to MAV’s strengths & interests. 2.Develop policy and goals for STEM education in AusVELS, VETiS and teacher training/PD! For example, develop a draft of a STEM-active school and a STEM-active classroom 3.Address the under-representation of women in STEM education and careers 4.Develop policy on sponsors

9 Defining STEM The definition should reflect MAV interests and strengths The definition should be classroom focussed ‘STEM in classrooms should be integrated, task-oriented activities involving all of S, T and M, with the E as a design/production feature of the activity.’ (Draft – Rob M)


11 Getting started – admin Register the STEM ED Victoria name Set up a STEM Ed Victoria website Set up a STEM membership database Allocate MAV staff time to STEM

12 Getting started - membership Free in the first year to 1.Stem coordinators of MAV institutional members 2.MAV individual and student members with a STEM interest 3.STEM coordinators of member schools of STAV, DATTA and AAEE 4.CEAV members with an interest in STEM 5.Affiliated groups, businesses and sponsors

13 Getting Started - Activities Advertise the benefits of MAV-STEM ED VICTORIA membership Initiate local, regional and state-wide PD using key sites and the theme of ‘What is a STEM-active school?’ Appoint an editor and start sending out STEM newsletters STEM conference – with STAV?

14 For Next Year Obtain an ‘end of year’ first annual report from the STEM group. Conduct an annual review. Consider STEM membership fees for MAV members and others the status of the STEM ED VICTORIA website.

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