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Tide Variations Sun full moon new moon Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Tide Variations Sun full moon new moon Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tide Variations Sun full moon new moon Earth
Spring tide: lunar and solar tides add together …so highs very high, lows very low Neap tide: lunar and solar tides opposite, thus no additive effect …so highs close to lows Sun first quarter moon third quarter moon Earth Note: tides exaggerated! distance to sun underestimated! diagram not to scale!

2 Exaggerating Depths The thickness of this black line is 2 times the depth of the Mariana Trench and would also easily contain Mount Everest…more than all of the surface relief of the Earth! Earth Diameter: 12,756 km Mount Everest: km Average Ocean Depth: Pacific km Atlantic 3.926 Indian 3.963 Arctic 1.205 In fact, the black line would encompass both the depth of the Mariana Trench and also the Troposphere above it! Maximum Ocean Depth: Pacific km Atlantic 9.219 Indian 7.455 Arctic 5.625 Atmosphere: 75% found in Troposphere km Moon 3, 478 km Line Thickness: km distance from Earth: 103 moon diameters!

3 Tidal Zones Littoral Zone Supralittoral Zone Infralittoral Zone Splash
Supralittoral Fringe Extreme High Water Extremes at Spring Tides Mean High Water Littoral Zone Midlittoral Zone Because San Salvador is located near the equator, the Littoral Zone may be quite thin, so wave height may be more important to organisms in the Littoral and Supralittoral Fringe Mean Low Water Infralittoral Fringe Extreme Low Water Infralittoral Zone Limestone Marine Rock or Sloped Sandy Bottom

4 Tide Table May-June 2005 spring neap
This tide table is provided from San Salvador (Watling Island), Bahamas 24.05° N, 74.55° W All tides in ft relative to an index level…All times are EDT Tide Table May-June 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 22 23 1:59A L 0.77 6:12A Sunrise 7:58A H 3.08 1:46P L 0.75 7:37P Sunset 8:18P H 3.82 Full Moon 24 2:48A L 0.71 6:11A Sunrise 8:46A H 3.09 2:34P L 0.70 7:38P Sunset 9:06P H 3.84 25 3:37A L 0.69 9:36A H 3.09 3:25P L 0.68 9:57P H 3.80 26 4:28A L 0.71 10:28A H 3.06 4:18P L 0.71 7:39P Sunset 10:51P H 3.70 27 5:21A L 0.75 11:24A H 3.04 5:16P L 0.78 11:49P H 3.55 28 6:10A Sunrise 6:16A L 0.80 12:25P H 3.04 6:19P L 0.87 7:40P Sunset 29 12:49A H 3.38 7:13A L 0.84 1:29P H 3.06 7:28P L 0.94 30 1:54A H 3.22 8:11A L 0.86 2:34P H 3.13 7:41P Sunset 8:40P L 0.97 Last Quarter 31 2:59A H 3.08 9:09A L 0.86 3:37P H 3.24 9:50P L 0.95 1 4:02A H 2.99 10:04A L 0.85 4:37P H 3.36 7:42P Sunset 10:56P L 0.90 2 5:00A H 2.93 10:56A L 0.84 5:31P H 3.46 11:54P L 0.84 3 4 2.31 2.38 2.40 2.35 2.29 2.24 2.22 2.27 2.51 2.62 Tidal Flux H-L spring spring-neap =0.4 ft = 4.8 in neap Comment: May-June Water Temperature 77-80°F = °C Shallow near-shore water may be warmer!

5 Oceanic Island Ecology
Ecology: study of organisms in environment

6 Where We Are… Oceanic Island Forms Provides Rich Habitat Diversity
Has Climate and Environmental Factors Now we need the Organisms!

7 Trophic Pyramid 3° Consumer - Carnivore feeding on Carnivores
Numbers Biomass Energy 1° Consumer Herbivore Producer Photosynthesis

8 Show Green Reefs Movie Here

9 Critical Thinking About This Video
The theme was: the reef is green because of overfishing. Science decisions are based on objective evidence. What was the evidence for “greening”? Did you see green? What fish were you shown swimming on the reef? Dr. Booth has visited San Salvador over some 30 years… what did he tell you about groupers? what did he tell you about long-spined sea urchin numbers? What did you NOT see in this video that you should have seen if over-fishing were a problem? Are there other explanations for lack of herbivores? Are there other explanations for algal overgrowth? Are we fertilizing the algae? What else is in the fertilizer? The very contagious white pox coral disease is caused by Serratia marcescens found in human feces. Is the problem on San Salvador really overfishing or something more complex?

10 Trophic Pyramid 3° Consumer - Carnivore feeding on Carnivores
Numbers Biomass Energy 1° Consumer Herbivore Producer Photosynthesis from?

11 Trophic Funnel! Energy Biomass Numbers Producer Photosynthesis
1° Consumer Herbivore 2nd Law of Thermodynamics 2° Consumer Carnivore So this is a leaky funnel! 3° Consumer - Carnivore feeding on Carnivores

12 Photosynthesis CO2 + H2O O2 + CH2O chlorophyll Light Energy
carbon dioxide + water oxygen + carbohydrate Food for Consumers! Primary Producers: Plants, Algae, Cyanobacteria

13 Trophic Calendar! Colonize and Establish Large Population
Food Supply for Ecosystem Habitats for Others Time Producer Photosynthesis Population of Generalists 1° Consumer Herbivore Small Pop 2° Consumer Carnivore 3° Consumer - Carnivore feeding on Carnivores

14 The Forest Cross-Country Meet!
This game is a cross-country race in a forest All runners enter the forest by a single south entrance The finish line is the northern boundary of the forest Runners need not exit at any particular place at the finish There are many trails through the woods Trails only bifurcate (form two branches) at forks Trails never join together or rejoin after forking Along the trail straightaways are check-in stations At each check-in station, a worker has a unique stamp Each runner has a card that is stamped as s/he passes a station Runners are not allowed to retrace a path All runners must finish the race Using the punch cards handed in at the finish line: Sketch the trail map Show all station locations (on the straightaways) Mark the exit used by each runner Liberally dapted from: David W. Goldsmith The great clade race: presenting cladistic thinking to biology majors and general science students. The American Biology Teacher 65:

15 The Forest Meet Sharing our Results Bob Sue Deb Lou Jen Cal Hal Val 

16 The Forest Meet Sharing our Results Bob Sue Deb Lou Jen Cal Hal Val
Total x 8 5 2 1 4 3

17 The Forest Meet Sharing our Results
Runners can finish anywhere along this northern edge All of the runners passed the circle station, so this station must be near the start Start

18 The Forest Meet Sharing our Results Bob Sue Deb Lou Jen Cal Hal Val
Total x 8 5 2 1 4 3

19 The Forest Meet Sharing our Results
Runners can finish anywhere along this northern edge Five of the runners passed the teardrop station, but three did not, so our 8 runners must have divided into two groups Bob, Deb, Cal Sue, Lou, Jen, Hal, Val Start

20 The Forest Meet Sharing our Results Bob Sue Deb Lou Jen Cal Hal Val
Total x 8 5 2 1 4 3

21 Runners can finish anywhere along this northern edge
The Forest Meet Sharing our Results Hal Runners can finish anywhere along this northern edge Because paths do not rejoin, Hal is separated and thus we can draw him at the finish line Four runners of the group of five passed the diamond station, but Hal did not, so he split away before this station Sue, Lou, Jen, Val Bob, Deb, Cal Sue, Lou, Jen, Hal, Val Start

22 The Forest Meet Bob Cal Deb Hal Jen Lou Sue Val         
Notice the runners are in alphabetical order. But this is not the only solution All branches can be rotated: e.g.: Lou before Jen Sue-Val before Jen-Lou Start

23 Congratulations! Translating the Forest Meet to Evolution on an Island
The forest represents the time-space continuum on the island Time is shown by the runners moving from south to north The entrance represents an arrival of a pioneer colonizer on-island The north finish line represents the present time The names at the finish line represent extant organisms on-island The meet cards represent the phenotypes of extant organisms The stamp marks are the genotype changes leading to phenotype The branching trails show adaptive radiation (speciation) pathways The shared marks are the synapomorphies (shared derived traits) you used to determine the evolutionary pathways You carried out a cladistic analysis… intuitively very little help from me. Congratulations!

24 The Clade Race! This game is a cross-country race in a forest
All runners enter the forest by a single south entrance The finish line is the northern boundary of the forest Runners need not exit at any particular place at the finish There are many trails through the woods Trails only bifurcate (form two branches) at forks Trails never join together or rejoin after forking Along the trail straightaways are check-in stations At each check-in station, a worker has a unique stamp Each runner has a card that is stamped as s/he passes a station Runners are not allowed to retrace a path All runners must finish the race Using the punch cards handed in at the finish line: Sketch the trail map Show all station locations (on the straightaways) Mark the exit used by each runner 1. This game represents the evolution of some related organisms 2. The organisms are believed to be a clade (w/common ancestor) 3. The organisms we are using are all extant (none are fossils) 4. We make no assumptions about possible phenotypes observed 5. We make few assumptions about the evolution pathway • Cladogenesis divides one species into two species • We assume there is no convergent or parallel evolution 6. Anagenesis is expected to occur between generations 7. Evolution shows its record of changes in the genotype 8. The record of evolution in genotype is shown in the phenotype 9. Evolution is permanent; we assume no reversals of states 10. In this study, we are using no fossils of extinct clade members 11. Using the phenotypes observed in the extant organisms: • Sketch the cladogram • Show the location of character state transitions • Show the relationships among the taxa

25 How do you DO cladistics?
Look at a group of organisms that you think are related Find a not-too-distantly related (primitive?) out-group Select characters that will help to distinguish the organisms Polarize the character states by: Stratigraphic sequence (fossil sequence) Developmental sequence (ontogeny recaps phylogeny) Outgroup comparison Build a data matrix Group by number of synapomorphies (shared derived) Sketch possible cladograms Seek simplest (most parsimonious) cladogram

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