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Book Club R/Evolution. First Two years… Year 1– Twilight Series Book Club –Very Social, after school –10 members –Fan club Year 2- Virtual/Online Book.

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1 Book Club R/Evolution

2 First Two years… Year 1– Twilight Series Book Club –Very Social, after school –10 members –Fan club Year 2- Virtual/Online Book Club –No Bus! –Voted from Maryland Black-Eyed Susan titles –Blog on Google site linked to student e-mail –Early enthusiasm—what’s missing? –Met during study hall – 2 Lunch Pizza Parties –14 active members –Literacy Incentive: Reward for promoting books. –Scholarship to a senior for promoting literacy.

3 Year 3 Year 3- Virtual/Social Book Club—Activity Buses return! –Need the social component –24 members and growing –Student volunteers before school and at lunch Student Book Checkout Station using Destiny self-checkout “Ownership” Students recommend books Promoting Literacy –Student book reviews in the Beacon (school paper) –Book trailers on website/book trailer station –E-Mails to students to promote books and book festivals –Student Picks bookmark –Top reader incentives/library promotion incentives –Use Quotes from book blog to promote books –Plans for Use of a.m. TV program, Read Across America, etc.

4 2010-11 Selection: Shiver and Linger by Maggie Stiefvater About a young girl who is drawn to a wolf— who so happens to also be a teenage boy… What are students saying about Shiver? Wow! Interesting book...the more you read, the more you crave! Something supernatural is going on...what new mystery awaits me as I read ahead? --Aminat

5 What are students saying about Linger by Maggie Stiefvater? My jawed was STUCK to the floor when I finished it. I couldn't even comprehend what emotion was rushing through me. Should I cry, yell, throw the book at the wall?! - Ifeoma

6 What do students say about The Hunger Games ? I JUST finished reading the book, like, 2 days ago... I was savoring it. It's REALLY interesting, and quite dramatic, but also filled with action---just the way I like it... --Michelle I wouldn't want to live in a society waiting to see if I might die....and then people cheering for that... --Elvina

7 Read Hunger Games! It’s fast-paced, really interesting. This book kept me up reading all night. A lot of questions came up on my head. I can’t wait till I read the part where the Games actually begin... I can't wait to see how the ending is going to turn out. --Michelle


9 Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian By Sherman Alexie Maryland One Book—Free Quick, enjoyable read "the book is captivating and very inspiring, it teaches us to always go for our dreams no matter how hopeless we feel. Arnold gets beaten up, picked on, and is called names, but he still manages to hold his head up high and tries his best to better himself." -Ifeoma

10 "the jokes and hilarity hide the true essence of the Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Even though the title gives us a glimpse of what Arnold's story will be like, the author made us stick to the book through laughter. The essence of this story was to show us the struggles that Arnold had to endure while living on the Reservation and going to school at a predominantly white school." --Yolande The book is so funny I had to laugh out during class! --Tiffany

11 Great way to get to know students Share the joy of reading and promote literacy! Forces you to read. Inspire them! In these economic times, we must go above and beyond and promote what we do…..

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