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Case Study and Understanding Reporting. Case Study Eyeblaster Marketing Mid Campaigns Analysis (US and UK) October 2007  Campaign Objectives  Branding.

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1 Case Study and Understanding Reporting

2 Case Study Eyeblaster Marketing Mid Campaigns Analysis (US and UK) October 2007  Campaign Objectives  Branding Eyeblaster and ACM product  Leads generator for Eyeblaster’s sales

3  Unique campaign structure:  User experience resembled a game  Long duration of ads  High number of custom interaction (~30)  How do we measure success?  User initiated expansion rate  Interaction rate Case Study Eyeblaster Marketing Mid Campaigns Analysis (US and UK) October 2007

4 350 2,796 3,452 5,003 164,531 306,281 757,788 Total Expansions Unique Viewers Impressions # of “play” button # of “video started” # of completed participants # of correct answers Video start rate (0.19% US and 4.71% UK) is low in comparison with the benchmark User experience flow and analysis

5 Excel™ plug-in Detailed Reports Campaign Monitor Eyeblaster Analytics Solve your reporting puzzle Eyeblaster Analytics

6 Campaign Monitor  Overview of campaigns with Dashboard Detailed reports  Detailed reports on each campaign Excel ™ plug-in tool  In-depth look at results in format you need MONITOR ANALYZE INSIGHTS Eyeblaster Analytics New reporting overview

7 Advanced Metrics Unique Viewers & Engagement Indicators  Unique Viewer Metrics – market to people, not eyeballs  Impressions  Clicks  Interactions  Panel expansion  Video playback  Including multiple assets per ad  Panel Expansion  At panel level allowing for easy comparison across different ads

8 Advanced Metrics Unique Viewers & Engagement Indicators  Publisher Unique Overlap  Measure the number of exclusive unique users each publisher contributes to campaign  Format performance comparison  See which format is performing the best… expandos, polites, standard banners, all the way to measuring ROI  Interaction  At interaction level allowing for easy comparison across different ads

9  Performance by frequency – plan & optimize capping  Impressions  Clicks  Interactions  Expansions  Durations Better plan your frequency capping based not only on unique users, but on several performance measurements Advanced Metrics Unique Viewers & Engagement Indicators

10  High expansion rate for both campaigns 24%) benchmark (15%)  Attracted users attention from 757,788 imps 24% ‘joined the ride’ Case Study Performance Analysis Mid Campaigns Analysis (US and UK) October 2007 89% of the impressions were expandable banners. This format produced 64% expansion rate in UK and 21% expansion rate in US.

11 US - FormatImpressionsUser Initiated Exp RateInteraction Rate expandable banner 728x90310,04020.48%78.55% expandable banner 160x60026,05218.40%75.36% expandable banner 300x250154,98519.90%75.82% expandable banner 336x2802,20629.15%98.05% UK - FormatImpressionsUser Initiated Exp RateInteraction Rate expandable banner 728x908,206245.72%64.72% expandable banner 160x60032,13633.01%33.97% expandable banner 468x6013,80220.42%70.53% Case Study Performance Analysis Mid Campaigns Analysis (US and UK) October 2007 The best performing format was expandable banner 728x90. Producing the highest expansion and interaction rate. Which follows the entertainment vertical trends in EB 2006 benchmark

12 Case Study Performance Analysis Publisher Stats PublisherImpressionsUnique impressions Avg. Frequency Expansion Rate Adotas.com41,78818,4182.2635% Watershed Publishing 133,71442,2632.8931% Mediapost60,90835,0331.7331% iMedia Connection 152,55248,3903.1523% ClickZ84,95747,8681.7719%

13 Case Study Performance Analysis Data Capture  The data capture feature ‘tell a friend’ provided quality feedback about the campaign and provided names for potential new customers.  Some of the ‘Tell A Friend’ quotes:  “thought this was a pretty cool micro site”  “look at this ad...this is called rich media”  “hi dude have a look at this its clever and innovative advertising...for the web...something we could incorporate…perhaps???”  “Now this is a "Platform"... a subway platform, and an excellent testimonial from their clients. Very consistent and creative”  “D-interesting approach to a contest....quiz forces you to interact with the eyeblaster elements…and then watch three short videos to get clues to answer the questions....might be an interesting approach”  “this is FYI (inspiration), i hope you find it interesting and inspiring”

14  Organized to work the way you  Easy to use with a brand new interface  Quick report generation very fast access  Top-down analysis  Simple to understand – clear and accurate,  Extensive documentation Eyeblaster Analytics Saves You Time

15 Quick access to commonly used reports – directly from Home Quick access to download Eyeblaster Analytics Plug-in for Excel Reports are organized in 7 simple and intuitive categories Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

16 Easy to use report generation process Extractable categories to reveal 15 different predefined reports Hidden Advanced Options for Sample, Filtering and Scheduling Multiple campaigns - report generation option Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

17 When selecting multiple campaigns, you can filter by campaigns that are still running or ended Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

18 Easy to use, simple report generation screen Report sample – allows you to preview report fields prior to generation Roll over the report field headers to get tips and additional information on what’s behind the calculation Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

19 Filtering option - by Publisher, Flights, Ads, Formats, etc. Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

20 Scheduling option – on a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

21 15 different predefined reports… aligned with media planners processes Single RUN button Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

22 Quick report generation methods – allows you to email the report and continue working on other things… You can always Save the query… Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

23 Hints on what you can do next… Summary of the report and file size indication before you download Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

24  Report example…… simple, clean, reliable Clickable ad names for ad preview purposes Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

25 Simple scheduling and saved query management by account Eyeblaster Analytics Process Benefits

26 Eyeblaster Analytics Flexible and Accessible – A la carte reporting with plug-in for Excel  Eyeblaster Analytics Plug-In for Excel – The most reliable, accessible and flexible way to analyze data.  Directly connected to the database  Accessible directly from Excel, up-do-date by a refresh button and available offline.

27 Look for the menu in your Excel ™ application Use the toolbar for the sign-in option and the sign-in interface appears Create reports from a variety of report options in the drop- down menu. Choose from a variety of pivot table fields for your report. Easy drag and drop interface makes loading the pivot table easy. Create a custom report designed to your specifications. To share reports, go to the dropdown menu and click Share Report. Eyeblaster Analytics Flexible and Accessible – A la carte reporting option using Excel plug-in Available in Excel 2003 and 2007

28 Eyeblaster Analytics Eyeblaster offers two premium value-added services  Customized reports  Post-campaign Analysis and Insights into Campaign

29 A Platform for Growth  Excel Summary Report, Campaign Monitor, Dwell Time Metrics  Built-in Benchmark Data  Built-in territorial reporting for Global Campaign Management  Planning and Buying Tools  Video In-Stream Format  Reporting API What’s coming up next?

30 In Game Advertising and Purpose Shot Video

31 New Concepts User Initiated In Stream Video and Mobile

32 Thank you

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