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2 Hosted by Miss Bernal

3 100 200 400 300 400 1234 300 200 400 200 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Africa’s geography is made up of mostly which two types of landscape features? Deserts and Savannas

5 1,2 Which was a major effect of European imperialism on Africa? a.Most African nations developed self-sufficient economies b.Africans and Europeans developed a respect for each other’s culture c. Africans became economically dependent on European nation d. Most Africans voluntarily abandoned tribal or ethnic loyalties for European values. c. Africans became economically dependent on European nation

6 1,3 After the Age of Imperialism in Africa, what were many countries trying to do? (during the 1950s and 1960s) Earn their independence

7 1,4 Why did the policy of Apartheid begin in South Africa? Because of European imperialism

8 2,1 What is Pan-Africanism? Movement to unite all Africa nations. They should work together to solve their problems.

9 2,2 What is apartheid? A system of government that practiced a segregation of races

10 2,3 During which interval of time did most African nations gain their independence? a.1905 – 1915 b.1915 – 1945 c.1945 – 1975 d.1975 - 1985 c. 1945 - 1975

11 2,4 Who were the two groups of people that have experienced human rights violations in Africa? Black South Africans and Tutsis’

12 3,1 What was a major goal of the African nationalists movements of the 20 th century? What were the Nationalists trying to accomplish? To end European rule in Africa

13 3,2 Jomo Kenyatta and Leopold Sedar Senghor were African Nationalist leaders opposed to what? Colonialism

14 3,3 In the early days of African independence, what did African workers lack? skills

15 3,4 Describe two areas of concern in Africa today? AIDS, political instability, lack of technology, lack of capital

16 4,1 Who was Desmond Tutu and what did he do to have the honor of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985? South Africa activist that gained much popularity for his use of non-violence in the fight against apartheid.

17 4,2 What is imperialism? When one country takes over another for economic, political and social gains.

18 4,3 What kind of movements began in Africa as a result of the end of WWII? Nationalist and Independence Movements

19 4,4 What is tribalism and what problem has it caused in Africa? It is the loyalty to your tribe and not your country. Political disunity

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