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Chemistry of Life. Water has many properties that make it unique. 1. Strong Polarity- Many materials dissolve in water to be transported to every organ.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemistry of Life. Water has many properties that make it unique. 1. Strong Polarity- Many materials dissolve in water to be transported to every organ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemistry of Life

2 Water has many properties that make it unique. 1. Strong Polarity- Many materials dissolve in water to be transported to every organ of the body. (Oxygen and carbon dioxide) 2. High Specific Heat- Allows the body to maintain body temperature 3. High heat of vaporization- allows evaporation of water to cool the body. 4. Cohesion- water works as a lubricant or cushion to protect against damage from friction or trauma.

3  Electrolytes are substances that break up or dissociate in solution to form charged particles or ions.  Cations carry a _________charge  Anions carry a ____________charge  Acids, bases and salts are electrolytes in the body.

4  Acids- release Hydrogen ions in water (proton donors)  Bases- increase Hydroxide (OH-) ion in water (proton acceptors)  Bicarbonate ion is an important base that plays a critical role in the transportation of respiratory gases and elimination of wastes.

5  Normal pH in the body ranges from a pH of 7.36 in venous blood to 7.41 in arterial blood.  CO2 is carried as carbonic acid (H2CO3). This compound along with bicarbonate work together to maintain the blood pH within this narrow range.

6  Results from interaction of acids and bases. Salts are required for proper function of muscles and nerves.  Sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are major players in muscle and nerve function.

7  STRAIGHT CHAINS  BRANCHED CHAINS  RINGS  Carbon is found in ALL living things.  Carbon has 4 electrons for bonding in the outer energy shell, which allow carbon to take on many forms.  Compounds containing Carbon are ORGANIC compounds.



10  Monomers- single molecules – for example a monomer of glucose. (mono = means one)  Polymer- large molecules bonded together (poly = means many)  Monomers JOIN to form Polymers


12  Small molecules join by CONDENSATION. When water condenses it falls out of the molecule and joins the 2 small molecules together.(aka Dehydration synthesis)  Large molecules break apart by HYDROLYSIS- hydro=water, lysis=to break. Therefore when water is added and breaks the polymer apart.

13  ENERGY FOR CELLS  Composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen  1:2:1 ratio of C:H:O  Forms ◦ Monosaccharides (one sugar) ◦ Disaccharides (two sugars) ◦ Polysaccharides (multiple sugars) Glucose is a carbohydrate




17  Very important to cell membrane  Function; ◦ Energy storage ◦ Insulation ◦ Protective coating. Examples: fats, oils, and steroids Lipids are glycerols attached to fatty acids

18  Saturated Fatty Acids (FA) have all single bonds between carbon molecules and contain as many hydrogens as possible  Unsaturated Fatty Acids contain one double bond between 2 of the carbon molecules in the chain.  Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids have multiple double bonds between carbon molecules.


20  Cholesterol can travel through the blood if it is attached to a protein molecule. Some of these are HIGH DENSITY LIPOPROTEINS (HDL) because they have a high density of protein.  Others have a LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN and consequently a higher amount of lipid or Fat.(LDL).  High LDL causes fatty deposits in the arteries. This is called bad cholesterol.  High HDL can actually remove fat and is called good cholesterol.

21  Essential to all life  Function: ◦ Provides structure for tissues ◦ Carry out cell metabolism Composed of C, H, O, NITROGEN and sometimes SULFUR

22  Building blocks of protein  20 common A.A. that combine to form thousands of proteins.  Bonds between A.A. are called PEPTIDE BONDS.  A.A. fold and bend on each other forming complex structures that make proteins. ◦ Primary, Secondary and Tertiary forms of proteins. Bends and folds within the charges of the amino acids.

23  Transport Oxygen to blood stream  Immunity  Contract Muscle Tissue  Regulate other proteins  Carry out Chemical Reactions  ENZYMES-act like a lock and key, when key is in place the reaction is quickly carried out.  (Video)


25  Proteins that control reactions within the body. Essential to the function of the body.  Enzymes are catalysts that are not used in the reaction. They only provide the stage on which the reaction can occur.

26  Polymers of a smaller subunit called a NUCLEOTIDE  Nucleotides are made of C,H,O,N and P.  Three basic parts

27  DNA and RNA are nucleic acids  Code to form all of an organisms make up  Nucleotides join to form DNA

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