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Welcome to Mr. Butkevich’s Class

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mr. Butkevich’s Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mr. Butkevich’s Class

2 Agenda 1.Introduction 2.What is this class about? 3.Extra Credit/Late Work 4.Exit Ticket/Google Docs 5.Syllabus 6.Q & A HW: Get syllabus signed by MONDAY.

3 Background DC-area native. Human Rights Activist. Taught 8 th grade social studies in Richmond and East Oakland + 1 year at Redwood.

4 What is this class about? Geographic and Cultural Concepts. Maps! Focus: Latin America, Africa and the Middle East. Case Studies: Cultural Convergence in Mexico, Amazon Rain Forest, South Africa vs. Rwanda: Conflict and Reconciliation.

5 Extra Credit/Late Work No last minute extra credit projects aimed at boosting grades. Late work is allowed without penalty within a reasonable amount of time (1-2 days) and if it’s not a habit. After that, there will be a late penalty. Make up work for excused absences is allowed without penalty. Get your absences excused. Unexcused absences = late penalty. Unexcused absences on quiz or test days = grade penalty. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to inform me if an unexcused absence becomes excused, at which point I will adjust the grade.

6 ED Tech Phones OFF and AWAY. Except with permission. On your phone go to Exit Ticket: Use the code on the board. Register + download the app. Use your real name + a password you will remember. Take the “Day 1” Exit Ticket quiz. Students take an ungraded online quiz early in the week to check understanding. This helps identify misconceptions, students who need extra help, and topics that I need to re-teach. Absent? Lost the handout? Studying the night before a quiz? Class web site: Google Slides lectures (next slide). Students discuss the topic on and off line during the lecture. They answer each other’s questions and sometimes debate. I later respond to the comments/questions, some of which become bonus questions on the assessments. Open your gmail and write to: Identify the period/class you’re in.


8 Questions?

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