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Published byMarjorie Jefferson Modified over 9 years ago
N UMBER THE S TARS R EVIEW : C H. 9-16 By Brock Hall Book by Lois Lowry
“ He who number the stars..”
I N WHAT WAYS IS THE FUNERAL AT U NCLE H ENRIK ’ S DIFFERENT FROM OTHER FUNERALS ? The ways this funeral at Uncle Henrik’s is different from other funerals is that there are coats in the casket, the casket is not open, and no one is talking about the good times they had with Great-aunt Birte.
T HINK A BOUT THE S ITUATION THE J OHANSENS F ACE. W HY MIGHT NOT KNOWING EVERYTHING H ELP THEM TO BE B RAVE ? W HY DOES M AMA LIE TO ANNEMARIE ? Not knowing everything may make Annemarie feel braver because there are many scary things that may be revealed when all of the situation is told. Mama lies to Annemarie because she doesn’t want to reveal everything left because she wants Annemarie to stay brave.
WHAT IS THE SURPRISE Ellen RECEIVES DURING THE FUNERAL OF GREAT-AUNT BIRTE? DESCRIBE ELLEN’S REACTION AS WELL. The surprise Ellen receives during the funeral of Great-Aunt Birte is the arrival of Ellen’s parents and the arrival of Peter. Ellen is rejoiced to finally see her parents again.
H OW DOES M AMA KEEP THE S OLDIERS FROM O PENING THE C ASKET ? To keep the soldier from opening the casket, Mama says that Great-aunt Birte died of typhoid fever, an infectious disease.
W HAT I S THE M EANING OF THE P SALM READ AT THE F UNERAL ? The meaning of the Psalm read at the funeral is that the Jews will have to relocate, rebuild, and find safety in Sweden one by one.
W HAT IS IN THE CASKET ? There are coats to keep the people warm on their journey in the casket.
WHAT DOES PETER GIVE TO THE BABY? WHY? Mama gave the baby Kirsti’s sweater to keep her warm on her journey. Peter also gave the baby some liquid that would make her sleep so that the baby wouldn’t cry and give them away.
P ETER GIVES M R. R OSEN A PAPER - WRAPPED PACKAGE. W HAT INSTRUCTIONS DOES P ETER G IVE M R. R OSEN ? Peter tells Mr. Rosen that the package must get to Uncle Henrik without fail and that it is of great importance.
D ESCRIBE THE PLAN P ETER DEVISES TO GET THE GROUP SAFELY AWAY. Peter will lead one group to the dock where Uncle Henrik will be waiting with his boat. Twenty minutes later, Mama will lead the second group. It would be less likely for them to be spotted in these two groups. Mama will then return to Henrik’s and Peter will perform some other tasks that he must accomplish this night.
H OW LONG IS M AMA SUPPOSED TO BE GONE ? H OW LONG IS SHE ACTUALLY GONE ? Mama is supposed to be gone only an hour. Mama is found lying in the path in the woods by Annemarie. She never came back.
W HAT DO YOU THINK HAS HAPPENED TO M AMA ? I think Mama has been punished by the Nazis for helping the Jews and left to die.
D ESCRIBE WHAT HAPPENS TO M AMA ON THE WAY BACK FROM THE BOAT. Mama trips on a root on her way back from the boat and either sprains or breaks her ankle.
W HAT DOES A NNEMARIE FIND NEXT TO THE HOUSE ? Annemarie finds the packet Peter gave to Mr. Rosen next to the house.
W HAT INSTRUCTIONS DOES M AMA GIVE A NNEMARIE CONCERNING THE ITEM SHE FOUND NEXT TO THE H OUSE ? The instructions that Mama gives Annemarie concerning the item she found next to the house is to bring the package to Uncle Henrik at the dock. If she gets stopped, she should act like a silly little girl taking lunch to her uncle.
W HAT STORY DOES A NNEMARIE THINK ABOUT ON THE WAY TO THE DOCK ON THE PATH ? Annemarie thinks about the story of L ittle Red Riding-Hood on the way to the dock on the path.
H OW ARE THE MAIN C HARACTERS IN N UMBER THE S TARS LIKE THE ONES IN L ITTLE R ED RIDING - HOOD ? Annemarie is like Little Red Riding-Hood because they are both taking food to someone down a forest path. The Nazi soldiers are like the wolf because they are both antagonists. Uncle Henrik is like Grandma because they are both getting food.
W HAT ARE THE INSTRUCTIONS THAT A NNEMARIE ’ S MOTHER GIVES HER IN CASE SHE IS STOPPED ? Annemarie’s mother’s instructions are to act like a silly, little girl bringing lunch to a forgetful fishermen.
W HAT DOES THE G ERMAN SOLDIER FIND IN THE PACKET ? The German soldier finds a handkerchief in the packet.
W HAT IS THE FIRST THING A NNEMARIE HAD TO TRY TO DO THE DAY AFTER RETURNING TO HER UNCLE ’ S HOUSE ? The first thing Annemarie had to try to do when she returned to Uncle Henrik’s house was to milk Blossom, the cow.
W HAT IS U NCLE H ENRIK ’ S DEFINITION OF B RAVERY ? Uncle Henrik’s definition of bravery is not thinking about the dangers when you do something.
H OW DOES U NCLE H ENRIK GET THE R OSENS TO S WEDEN ? Uncle Henrik gets the Rosens to Sweden by hiding them in a secret compartment on his boat and then sailing to Sweden.
W HAT DOES A NNEMARIE LEARN ABOUT P ETER ? Annemarie learns that Peter is in the resistance.
W HAT IS THE SECRET OF THE HANDKERCHIEF ? The secret of the handkerchief is that it weakens the smelling ability of the Nazis’ dogs when they come to smell for hidden Jews.
N UMBER THE S TARS R EVIEW : C HAPTERS 9-16 Brock Hall Book by: Lois Lowry
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