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Government Basketball Final review 2013. Which phrase in the preamble of the Constitution means laws should be fair and reasonable? A.Provide for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Basketball Final review 2013. Which phrase in the preamble of the Constitution means laws should be fair and reasonable? A.Provide for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Basketball Final review 2013

2 Which phrase in the preamble of the Constitution means laws should be fair and reasonable? A.Provide for the common defense B.Promote the general welfare C.Insure domestic tranquility D.Establish justice

3 Which is the same as gov’t by popular consent or indirect democracy? A.Representative democracy B.Autocracy C.Oligarchy D.Unitary democracy

4 In which system are all key powers given to the central government? A.Confederate B.Federal C.Unitary D.Monarchy

5 Why did Britain interfere with colonial gov’t in the mid-1700s? A.To get more land B.To do away with civil rights C.To get colonists to drink tea D.To raise money to pay debts

6 What powers did the national gov’t have under the Articles of Confederation? A.It could pass amendments with a majority vote B.It could regulate trade C.It could make war and agree to treaties with other nations D.A strong executive could enforce acts of congress

7 On which point did the Virginia and New Jersey plans disagree? A.Whether or not delegate should take an oath of loyalty B.How states should be represented in congress C.If George Washington should be president D.Whether or not congress should have the power to make treaties

8 What is true about the national gov’t under the AofCs? A.Some states did not have delegates in Congress B.Congress did not have the power to taxe the states C.The gov’t had a strong justice system D.The gov’t had a strong president as a national leader

9 What is outlined in the first three articles of the Constitution? A.The ratification process B.The federal gov’t structure C.How to add amendments D.Relations among the states

10 Which amendment ended slavery? A.13 th B.14 th C.15 th D.19 th

11 Which basic principle means the gov’t can govern only with the consent of the governed? A.Federalism B.Judicial review C.Checks and balances D.Popular sovereignty

12 What happens if a state rejects a proposed amendment? A.The state’s decision is final B.The state’s governor may veto the final decision C.The state can later reconsider D.The proposal goes back to congress

13 Which of the following would be characterized as a “cannot-voter”? A.Someone who does not vote b/c the weather is bad on election day B.Someone who does not vote b/c it violates their religion C.Someone who does not vote due to long lines at the polling place D.Someone who does not vote b/c they think it won’t matter anyway

14 Why did the Framers create a bicameral legislature? A.To settle a conflict during the Constitutional Convention. B.To provide 3 branches of gov’t C.To provide 4 branches of gov’t D.To provide representation based on population in the Senate

15 Which can Congress do under the expressed powers in the Constitution? A.Create public schools B.Regulate trade among the states C.Censor radio broadcasts D.Abolish trial by jury

16 According to the Constitution who has the main responsibility of foreign policy? A.Congress B.The State Department C.The President D.The individual states

17 According to the Constitution how can the US declare war? A.Only by an act of Congress B.In a presidential address C.When the US is attacked D.When the states vote for it

18 Which type of powers are spelled out in the Constitution? A.Implied powers B.Inherent powers C.Expressed powers D.Commerce powers

19 A major presidential appointment must be approved by A.The House and the Senate B.The House C.The Senate D.The Supreme Court

20 In the Framer’s plan, a candidate could win which office w/ the 2 nd largest number of votes? A.Chief Justice B.President C.Vice President D.Speaker of the House

21 Which determines the number of presidential electors in each state? A.The number of ballots cast B.Members of Congress C.Number of cities D.Number of counties

22 Which is a true statement about primaries? A.Most state’s primaries are the same B.Each state has a different way of choosing its delegates C.The method of nominating candidates is in the Constitution D.According to congressional guidelines, all state primaries are held on the same day

23 Which describes a caucus? A.A meeting of Congress to discuss elections B.A local meeting to select delegates to a local convention C.A national meeting of party delegates to select the presidential candidate D.A statewide convention at which delegates plan a party platform

24 How can SCOTUS check the power of the President? A.It can override a presidential veto B.It can amend the Constitution to reduce the power of POTUS C.It can remove POTUS from office D.It can rule the actions of POTUS unconstitutional

25 How long can US military forces be deployed b/f Congress must take action? A.48 hours B.60 days C.6 months D.1 year

26 How many justices must agree in a SCOTUS decision? A.All of them B.At least four C.At least four associate justices and the Chief Justice D.At least five

27 Which of the following statements about appellate courts is true? A.Appeals courts retry cases in their original form B.Appeals courts are “courts of first instance” C.Appeals courts can override or modify decisions of lower courts D.Appeals courts have original jurisdiction

28 Federal judges may be removed from office only by the A.President B.Chief Justice C.Majority vote of the people D.Congress

29 US district courts are A.The federal trial courts B.Federal appellate courts C.Also called territorial courts D.Part of special courts

30 A written plan for gov’t is A.Constitution B.Public policy C.The Bill of Rights D.The Declaration of Independence

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