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DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor

2 DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor

3 DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor

4 DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor

5 DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor

6 DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor

7 DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor DO NOW: For each problem below determine which cabinet member would advise the president on what to do. 1.Research shows that most fifth graders are not doing well on national tests. 2.There is not enough affordable housing in U.S. cities. 3.National unemployment is on the rise. 4.The number of accidents on U.S. highways are increasing. 5.Yosemite National Park has a problem with bear overpopulation. 6.The twenty-dollar bill is too easy for counterfeiters to replicate. Word Bank: Department of StateDepartment of Homeland Security Department of Treasury Department of Interior Department of Housing Department of Education Department of Commerce Department of Transportation Department of Labor

8 “All legislative Powers … shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives ”

9 The Legislative Branch THEN… NOW!

10 House of Representatives Based on Population… 3/5 Compromise Elected by the people and serve for two years With the impeachment process, they act as a grand jury.

11 When the House deals with impeachment it is a verb. When the Senate deals with impeachment it is a noun An action versus an event. The House of Representatives suspect a president of Obstruction of Justice. They hold a hearing to vote on the action of impeaching the president. * A vote passes here by a simple majority. The House of Representatives suspect a president of Obstruction of Justice. They hold a hearing to vote on the action of impeaching the president. * A vote passes here by a simple majority. If the vote passes, the Senate begins the impeachment event of a trial. At the end of the trail, they vote on whether the president is guilty or not guilty. * A vote passes here by a 2/3 majority. If the vote passes, the Senate begins the impeachment event of a trial. At the end of the trail, they vote on whether the president is guilty or not guilty. * A vote passes here by a 2/3 majority. 1 2

12 Since the House Representatives are based on population, states are divided into evenly populated districts. You elect the representative for ONLY your district. For example, a state has 12 different districts. If you were living in district 8 you would NOT be allowed to vote the representative of district 12.

13 Gerrymandering- dividing unfairly and to one's advantage; of voting districts (can be based on race, known political affiliation, etc.)

14 Senate In the impeachment proceedings they act as a trial jury. More group oriented and more focused on debate! Menendez and Booker

15 HouseSenate More centralizedLess centralized The Rules Committee determines the time for debates (OPEN, CLOSED) Debate by unanimous consent. 60/100 senators needed Committee decisions more influential Committee is less influential Members more specializedMembers more generalist More specialized groups. Private debate. Floor debate is VERY important Differences between the two houses of Congress

16 Joint Session of Congress joint –session of congress both houses (Senate and House of Rep.) meet. This can happen for special events such as the Inaugural Address or the State of the Union address. Joint sessions can also be extended for foreign dignitaries (lecturers), military leaders, memorials, anniversaries, and historic events. For example:


18 How a Bill Becomes a Law Bill: Any person convicted twice of drunk driving should lose their driver’s license permanently House of Reps. Bill # HR008 Senate Bill # S1409 Senate COMMITTEE Discusses and votes on bill House of Reps. COMMITTEE Discusses and votes on bill Bill goes to the President President VETOES the bill President SIGNS the bill President TABLES the bill for 10 days

19 President VETOES the bill President SIGNS the bill President TABLES the bill for 10 days Back to Congress House of Reps. 2/3 Vote for bill Senate 2/3 vote for bill OVERRIDE Bill is Law The Judicial branch can still involved through the process of judicial review– that is, deciding if the law is (UN) CONSTITUTIONAL If Congress is no longer in session at the end of 10 days, the bill does NOT become a law (called a pocket veto) If Congress is still in session at the end of 10 days, the bill becomes a law

20 A pocket veto is when a president indirectly vetoes a bill By December 2008, President Bush had only vetoed 12 bills with 30% overridden

21 Congress determines: What our laws will be How the nation will raise money How the nation will spend money Many do not agree with everything Congress does If you don’t like it…

22 REGISTER and VOTE!!!!! REGISTER and VOTE!!!!!



25 The Legislative Branch is responsible for… Making the Laws Enforcing the Laws Interpreting the Laws Signing Treaties

26 In electing the President: The electoral vote is occasionally different from the popular vote The popular vote is always the same as the electoral vote The electoral vote is less important than the popular vote

27 Before a law is passed what is it called? Before a law is passed it is called a Bill. It has to travel through a complex and lengthy process before is can end up as a law. OHHHH SOMEDAY I MIGHT BECOME A LAW. BUT TODAY I AM STILL JUST A BILL!

28 Identify the three branches of government

29 Domestic Affairs are those which occur: Inside the United States Outside the United States

30 Foreign Affairs are those which occur: Outside the United States Inside the United States

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