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Elohay Kedem God of the beginning. Elohim might or strong one.

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Presentation on theme: "Elohay Kedem God of the beginning. Elohim might or strong one."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elohay Kedem God of the beginning

2 Elohim might or strong one

3 Elohay Mishpat God of Justice

4 Elohay Selichot God of Forgiveness

5 Elohay Marom God of Heights

6 Elohay Mikarov God Who is Near

7 Elohay Mauzi God of My Strength

8 Elohay Tehilati God of My Praise

9 Elohay Yishi God of My Salvation

10 Elohim Kedoshim Holy God

11 Elohim Chaiyim Living God

12 Elohay Elohim God of Gods

13 Adonai master, sovereign ruler, Lord

14 Yahweh I am who I am

15 Jehovah Lord

16 El Shaddai God Almighty

17 El Elyon God most High

18 El Roi God who sees

19 Jehovah Jirah God who provides

20 Jehovah Sabbaoth Lord of hosts

21 Jehovah Rophe God who heals

22 Jehovah Shalom Lord of peace

23 Jehovah Nissi Lord is my banner

24 Jehovah Tsidkenu Lord is our righteousness

25 Jehovah Maccaddeschecem the Lord who makes you holy

26 Jehovah Rohi Lord is our Shepherd

27 El HaNe’eman The Faithful God

28 El HaGadol The Great God

29 El HaKadosh The Holy God

30 El Yisrael The God of Israel

31 El HaShamayim The God of the Heavens

32 El De’ot The God of Knowledge

33 El Emet The God of Truth

34 El Yeshuati The God of My Salvation

35 El Elyon The Most High God

36 Immanu El God Is With Us

37 El Olam The God of Eternity

38 El Echad The One God

39 Abba Father

40 God the Father

41 Lord of All the Earth

42 God is... The Ancient of DaysOur ShieldOur RefugeThe Refiner, PurifierOur Redeemer

43 God the Son

44 Jesus Christ

45 Saviour

46 Emmanuel, God with Us

47 God Manifest in the Flesh

48 Alpha and Omega

49 The Life

50 The Word

51 Son of Man

52 Messiah

53 Lamb of God

54 The Way

55 The Vine

56 The Bread of Life

57 Light of the World

58 The Morning Star

59 Redeemer

60 King of Kings

61 Prince of Peace

62 God the Spirit

63 Spirit of Wisdom

64 Spirit of Understanding

65 Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord

66 Breath of the Almighty

67 Holy Spirit

68 Advocate

69 Comforter

70 God


72 Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts As we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom, & the power and the glory forever. Amen

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