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General Management In Business I

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1 General Management In Business I
Ass. Prof. Dr. Özgür KÖKALAN İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

2 Chapter Objectives Define what management is
Describe managerial functions Define the planning fuction that is the first managerial fuction Chapter Objectives

3 Defination of Management
The process of coordinating organizational resources in an effective and efficient way in order to attain pre – set organizational objectives. Management is also defined as getting things done through other people The good definition of management as the attainment of organizational goals through other people in an effective and efficient way by planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources

4 Manegement Attainment of Present Goals of The Company
Managing People Effectiveness and Efficiency Four Management Function: Planning Organizing Leading Controlling

5 Managerial Functions How do managers use resources to attain organizational goals? What is the process of management?

6 Management Functions Planning Controlling Organizing Leading Goals
Plans Decision Making Organizing Division of Work Chain of Command Departmantization Leading Leadership Motivation communication Controlling Management Control System Financial Control System

7 Planning Determining the organizational objectives, and its ways and means to accomplish them.

8 Goals and Plans Goals are the expected future state of the organization. Goals characterictics Goals should be spesific and measurable Goals should cover the key areas of the organization Goals should be challenging Goals should define a time period Goals should be linked to spesific rewards.

9 Top Management Middle Management Lower Management Strategic Goals
Strategic Plans Tactical Goals Tactical Plans Operational Plans Operational Goals

10 Strategic Goals This kind of goals pertain to the organization as whole There are the broad statements identifying where the organization expects to be and what it expects to achieve in the future. Strategic goals do not involve departmental or divisional activities To attain strategic goals, the organization defines the action steps that can be called as strategic plans. Strategic goals are set by top managers.

11 Tactical Goals Departments in the organizations have their own specific ends to achieve. These ends are called as tactical goals Tactical goals are set by middle management to define what departments do to implement their tactical goals.

12 Operational Goals Specific, measurable and short-term goals are called by operational goals. This kind of goals are generally set by lower management, but sometimes set by work groups or individiuals. Lower level management develops the operational plans to accomplish their operational goals.

13 Planning Process Implementing The Plans Preparing Compatible Subplans
Setting The Goals Identifying Future Possible Events Identifying The Alternatives Studying The Possible Alternatives Choosing The Appropriate Alternatives Preparing Compatible Subplans Implementing The Plans

14 Types of Plans Plans encompass the course of future action, according to different needs and objectives, one can be sure of many existing type of plan that vary in nature. There are several classfication. These are; According to time period According to their use in the organization According to their place in the organizational hierarchy

15 Types of Plan According to Their Time Horizon
The plans according to their time period can be classified into three common categories Long range plans (Long - run plans) 5 or more years Mediun range plans (Medium- run plans) Short range plans (Short – run plans)

16 Types of Plans According To Their Use In The Organization
This type of planning can be classified into two categories: Single use plans: Plans that are developed to accomplish organizational goals that are possibly not repeated in the future. Standing plans: these are continuous that are prepared in the organizations in order to provide guidance for tasks that are performed repeatedly.

17 Types of Plans According To Their Place In The Organizational Hierarchy
There are three kinds of plans. These are Strategic plans; These plans are set by top managers to define action steps to attain the major strategic goals of the organization. They are prepared for period of 5 or more years Tactical plans; These plans are set by middle managers . These plans describe the things to be done in the specific department in the harmony with the organization’s overall plan. Operational plans; These plans are set by lower managers. These plans are so specific and measurable and they are done in the harmony with tactical and strategic plan. They are prepared for less than 1 year.

18 Decision Making Decision making involves identifying the problems, opportunities and alternatives, choosing from available alternatives and resolving the problems. Management decision can be classified into two categories. Programmed Decision This kind of decision are clear, well defined and structured . These decision can be applied repeatedly. Unprogrammed Decision They are made uniquely, in largely unstructured, and poor defined situation. These decisions can be made in situations usually with uncertainty

19 Decision Process The decision making process begins by seeking to ask right question, continues by encouraging creative answers and ends by choosing the solution and measuring the outcome.

20 Develop Alternative Solution
Define Problem Collect Data Develop Alternative Solution Assess Conse- quences Select Optimum Solution Implement Solution Measure Results

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