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Unit 3, Lesson 3 How does the Executive Branch work?  Essential Questions: How do our Federal, state, and local governments work?  Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3, Lesson 3 How does the Executive Branch work?  Essential Questions: How do our Federal, state, and local governments work?  Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3, Lesson 3 How does the Executive Branch work?  Essential Questions: How do our Federal, state, and local governments work?  Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8) IWBAT analyze the structure, function, and process of the Executive Branch.  Formative Assessment(s): Does the current structure and function of the Executive Branch make it more powerful than the Legislative Branch? Homework: Vocabulary Daily Rubric: 4 – I fully understand the learning target and I am ready to move on 3 – I feel like I have a good understanding of the learning target but I need to cover it a little more 2 – I feel kind of lost on the learning target and I need a lot of review before I can move on 1 – I am completely lost and feel like I need to completely cover this learning target over

2 Preview Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8) IWBAT analyze the structure, function, and process of the Executive Branch. What do you think the president’s job is? Make a list of what you think the president can do. Is there anything that the president doesn’t do or isn’t allowed to do?

3 Vocabulary Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8) IWBAT analyze the structure, function, and process of the Executive Branch.  State of the Union address: yearly report by the president to Congress describing the nation’s condition and recommending programs and policies  foreign policy: a country’s plan for dealing with other countries of the world  diplomacy: art of dealing with foreign governments  reprieve: postponement in the carrying out of a prison sentence  pardon: official act by the president or by a governor forgiving a person convicted of a crime and freeing that person from serving his or her sentence  Executive Order: a rule issued by the president having the force of law  Pocket Veto: an indirect by the president or a governor by retaining the bill unsigned until it is too late for it to be dealt with during the legislative session  Line-item Veto: the power of a president or governor to reject individual provisions of a bill

4 Vocabulary Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8) IWBAT analyze the structure, function, and process of the Executive Branch.  Approval of Presidential Appointments: the power of the legislative branch to approve appointments by the President of the United States to public positions, including Cabinet secretaries, federal judges, and ambassadors.  Cabinet: leaders of the executive departments who also act as advisors to the president  Secretary of State: the official in the president’s cabinet responsible for foreign policy  Joint Chiefs of Staff: group made up of the highest-ranking officers from the Army, Navy, and Air Force that advises the President on military affairs  Commander in Chief: person or body exercising supreme operational command and control of a nation's military forces

5 Activity Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8) IWBAT analyze the structure, function, and process of the Executive Branch.  Watch State of the Union Address segment:   What are 3 issues the President mentions?  Read pages 168-173.  Copy the graphic organizer from page 170 and fill it in as you read DepartmentFunction State Treasury Defense Justice Homeland Security

6 Formative Assessment Learning Target: (SS.7C.3.8) IWBAT analyze the structure, function, and process of the Executive Branch.  Does the current structure and function of the Executive Branch make it more powerful than the Legislative Branch? Explain.  Grade yourself.

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