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Peter Paletta and Graeme McIntyre

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1 Peter Paletta and Graeme McIntyre
Fascism Timeline Peter Paletta and Graeme McIntyre

2 The Weimar Republic February 1919 – New assembly in Germany established 1923 – Germany claims they can not pay reparations. France invades the Ruhr Valley to try and force Germany to pay. Inflation destroying German currency May 1924 – Election, Support for the Weimar Republic faded 1924 – Reparations were reduced 1925 – Border problems were settled between Germany and France 1926 – Germany joined the League of Nations 1929 – Stock market crash causes depression, Nazis took advantage and started gaining support

3 Weimar Republic

4 Hitler and Nazi Germany
1889 – Hitler is born – Hitler went to Vienna to study art but his admission was rejected. He lived on the streets of Vienna and could not hold a job – Hitler joined the German military and fought in the first world war 1919 – Hitler joined a group called German Workers’ Party, which was changed to Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party. Hitler became leader of Nazis 1921 – The SA (Storm Troopers) was organized 1923 – Hitler thought that because of the inflation and the French occupation of Ruhr weakened the Republic enough for him to take over November 8, 1923 – Meeting in Munich beer hall was attended by government officials, Hitler proclaimed his plan to overthrow the government and was arrested. He was sentenced to a 5 years of imprisonment but was released in less than 1

5 Hitler and Nazi Germany Cont.
1925 – Hitler was released from prison. Reorganized his party, developed the SS (defence corps) Hitler’s personal body guard 1928 – Election, Nazis received less than 3% of the vote 1930 – Election, Nazis second largest party with 18% of votes 1932 – Election, Nazis largest party with 37% of vote 1933 – Hitler had his army burn any educational books that teach ideas that were against Nazism, and Hitler had the ideology of Nazis taught in school January 30, 1933 – Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany and Nazis come to power February 27, 1933 – Hitler and his army used the threat of communism to defeat his political enemies. The building of his political enemies was set on fire, and they blamed the communists and this allowed Hitler to convince the President to suspend many of the civil rights of the people March 5, 1933 – Hitler used the SA to intimidate his opponents in the election. The combination of the seats the Nazi Party and the Nationalist Party won brought them up to 52% of the vote

6 Hitler and Nazi Germany Cont.
March 23, 1933 – Enabling Act passed that allowed Hitler dictatorial powers and destroyed the Weimar Republic May 1933 – End of free activities of trade unions; 6 million people did not have jobs because of the depression July 1933 – Law passed that stated the only political party allowed to exist in Germany was the Nazi party January 30, 1934 – Abolished the powers of the states and gave all the powers to the central government June 30, 1934 – Hitler feared the SA would rise up against the Nazis. Hitler arrested many of the members of the SA and had them killed August 1934 – The president of Germany died and Hitler combined the roles of chancellor and president and put himself in charge, calling himself der Fuhrer. He had soldiers take oaths of allegiance to Hitler. Hitler immediately started the persecution of Jews

7 Hitler and Nazi Germany Cont.
1935 – Nuremberg Laws passed. The laws took away the German citizenship of Jews, took away the jobs of Jews and excluded them from most of cultural life in Germany Nazis also Persecuted Gypsies and Germans they considered enemies. Also, the Nazis persecuted Germans with disabilities, criminals, and juvenile offenders, and called it “sterilizing.” Hitler set up a public works program that expanded the economy and was going to help people get jobs. 1937 – 200,000 people had been “sterilized.” Hitler had his army attack catholic organizations because he thought Christianity was for the weak. Hitler had put over 800 Catholics into concentration camps. 1938 – All Jewish businesses were closed. The majority of German people that lost their jobs had found new jobs because of the public works program and this gave Hitler even more support from the citizens of Germany. 1939 – Germany had become a totalitarian state and Hitler was well supported and had no opposition

8 Hitler and Nazi Germany

9 Hitler and Nazi Germany Video

10 Mussolini and Fascist Italy
1883 – Benito Mussolini was born 1917 – Served in the army – Italy was on the verge of revolution but the government could not do anything because the government was divided. 1919 – Fascism started by Benito Mussolini. Middle and upper class people looked to Fascism to defend their interests. He wanted to create combination of Social radicalism with extreme nationalism November 1919 – Election, Fascists got only 5000 votes 1921 – Fascio(Squads of people that started campaigns of violence against socialists). The squads killed 102 in the first 6 months. Fascio had 250,000 members and Mussolini was able to get them to support the Fascist movement October 24, 1922 – Political deadlock in Italy, so Mussolini decided that he would march on Rome. When he got into the city of Rome the king gave the position of prime minister to Mussolini.

11 Mussolini and Fascist Italy Cont.
1923 – Passed an electoral law that stated the party that won the most votes and 25% of the total vote would get 2/3 the seats. April 1924 – Election, Fascists used intimidation and violence to get people to vote for them. Fascists got 63% of the vote. November 1925 – Laws passed that gave the majority of control to the Fascists December 1925 – Mussolini became the head of government. This allowed him to make decisions without being responsible to parliament December 1928 – Fascist party takes full control of Italy 1929 – The Roman Catholic Church was against the state of Italy since it was unified. Mussolini and Pope Pius XI signed The Lateran Agreements that settled the differences between Italy and the Vatican.

12 Mussolini and Fascist Italy Cont.
– Mussolini started to change the country. He started to pass laws that mostly favoured the wealthy class of people, even though it appeared that he was concerned about everyone’s well being. Mussolini was setting up organizations to get the people of Italy to support him. These organizations included the Opera Nazionale Balilla, which was a youth organization that got kids to support Fascism. This organization was meant to “create Fascist soldiers, conservators of national values, and to secure the military garrison of the new Italy.” He also set up an organization for adults that gave them activities to do after work. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany started to work together. 1938 – Fascism took on many of the ideals of Nazism. Laws were passed that took away the rights of Jews in Italy.

13 Mussolini and Fascist Italy

14 Mussolini and Fascist Italy Video

15 Franco and Spain September 1923 – Democracy is destroyed in Spain. General Miguel Primo de Rivera y Obaneja wanted to have a political system like Mussolini had set up in Italy. He failed to do this. April 1931 – A coalition of republicans and socialists won the election in Spain April 14,1931 – Spain’s second Republic created – The new republic tried to reform the country. November 1933 – The reforming of the country was angering many people and there was a political division. The division became more distinct as the right-wing coalition won the election. The coalition then started to reverse all the things the republican-socialists tried to reform. February 1936 – Election, a coalition known as the Popular Front was against local and regional parties. The Popular Front won the election and set up an entirely republic cabinet. Military leaders started to plan to overthrow the party.

16 Franco and Spain Cont. July 17, 1936 – The plan to overthrow the Popular Front was put into effect and lead to the civil war. – The civil war split the military and police forces in half. One half remained loyal to the government and the other half rebelled and appealed to Hitler and Mussolini for help and they agreed. Hitler’s and Mussolini’s help allowed General Francisco Franco’s Army of Africa, the rebels most successful fighting force, to be moved to the Spanish mainland’s. Italy and Germany sent supplies, troops, planes, tanks, and military advisors to be used by Franco. The republican tried to get support from their allies but they would not help because they were afraid of angering Hitler. The only people that would help was the Soviet Union. – Franco had merged all the political parties under his control. The republicans were unable to exert control over the country. The plans to overthrow the Republicans and the civil war caused the largest social revolution since the Russian Revolution of 1917. April 1, 1939 – The republicans resign.

17 Franco and Spain

18 Franco and Spain Video

19 Bibliography The West and the World – Arthur Haberman and Adrian Shubert

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