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CuO SO2 CaO Na2O Fe3O4 Al2O3 Oxides

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1 CuO SO2 CaO Na2O Fe3O4 Al2O3 Oxides
1.Oxides are solid and gazieaus substances which include in their compozition two elements . One of them is the oxygen. SO2 Na2O CuO CaO Fe3O4 Al2O3

2 Naturally state. 2. * CO2 : Is found free in the atmosphere, approximate 0,03% in carbonated waters too.

3 * Al2O3 : Is found in nature in the crystaline form is colorless called Coridon or color with different metalic oxides : Sapphire ( Blue) ; Ruby (red)

4 Fe2O3: Is found in nature as iron ore.

5 FeTiO3 :Are some round particles with diameter of 0,1 and 0,2 mm and is found in magmatic rock or in the river sand .

6 SiO2 : It`s unequal spread on the earth surface being influenced of the climatic and relief regions and of the petrographic regions construction

7 MgAl204 -Spinel : Is frequently founded in magmatic rokc and
metamorphic rock like mottle.

8 Clasification ! CO2, SO3, P2O5, SiO2 Na2O , Fe2O3, Al2O3,Li2O
3.Basic oxides (metallic) : Acid oxides (nemetalic) : Na2O , Fe2O3, Al2O3,Li2O

9 Physical properties CaO Fe3O4 * Solid : Fe3O4,Al2O3,CaO,CuO
* State of matter * Solid : Fe3O4,Al2O3,CaO,CuO CaO Fe3O4

10 Gazeous : CO2,SO2,NO2,P2O5,HgO. NO2 CO2 P2O5 SO2

11 * Fluid :H2O

12 Color * White: ZnO * Black : CuO * Blue :MnO2 *Yellow: PbO

13 Solubility Hardness * SO2 - 112g/l Density - MgAl2O4 : 7,6 -8
* Fe2O3-Insolubility * Cao - 1,65 g/l Density * H2O : 1g/cm3 * Al2O3 : 3,9 - 4,1g/cm3 * MgO2 : 3,7 - 4,6g/cm3 * Fe3O4 : 5,25/ cm3 Hardness - MgAl2O4 : 7,6 -8 - CaSiO3 : 4.5 – 5 - Al2O3 : 9 - SiO2 : 7


15 Chemical properties a.*Basic oxides react with water forming bases.
* Acid oxides react with water forming acids. * Basic oxides react with acids forming : water + salt *Acid oxides react with bases forming salt + water . b.CaO+2HClCaCl2+H2O CaO+H2OCa(OH)2 CaO+CO2CaCO3 CO2+H2OH2CO3 CO2+2NaOHNa2CO3+H2O


17 c. Inferior oxides react with oxygen forming superior oxides .
Eg : 2SO + O2  2SO2 2NO + O2  2NO2 2CO + O2  CaCO3 d. Some acid oxides react with basic oxides forming salt Eg : CaO + CO2  CaCO3 NaO + SO2  NaSO3 MgO + CO2  MgCO3

18 Utilizari CaO - Calcium Oxide  Line
* Is used in the industry of buiding to prepare material for plaster, like gyps , or to white wasted the walls ; in the chemical industry is used to improve the acid varieties . Utilizari ZnO  Zinc oxide - white of zinc * Is mainly used like a white colour in the plastic industry ;paper ; but is also used in pharmace utical industry and cosmeties industry . SiO2  Silica Dioxide – sand * Is used in industry of buildings to prepare material for plaster. MgO Magnezium Oxide * Is used like a refractory material for the oreens in the iron industry to produce iron and steel . PbO  Lead oxide * Is used to produce protective points.

19 CeO2 – Oxid de Ceriu *Is used like "jeweler`s makeup" in the walls of the oven with function of self-cleaning. MgAl2O4 –Oxid de Magneziu si Aluminiu *Are very searched like gems, but unfortunately they are very rare. V2O5 – Pentaoxidul de Variu *The vanadium oxide is used like Catalyzer to produce sulfuric acid.

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