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MIRHES (Mid-IR high-resolution echelle spectrometer) MIRHES team.

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Presentation on theme: "MIRHES (Mid-IR high-resolution echelle spectrometer) MIRHES team."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIRHES (Mid-IR high-resolution echelle spectrometer) MIRHES team

2 Outline MIRHES is a high dispersion spectrometer based on immersion grating. It has two channels for short wavelength region and long wavelength region. These two channels are completely independent from each other.

3 Scientific Objectives/Targets & Required Specifications

4 Scientific Targets

5 Consistency with MRD 2.3 Life Cycle of Interstellar Dust Objective #2: Dust and Molecular Shells around Low- and Intermediate-mass Stars examine the properties of molecules in MOLsphere of redgiant Objective #3: Dust formation and grain growth in Dense Molecular Clouds examine the properties of molecules in dense molecular clouds and their chemical evolution including the formation of icy mantles onto the dust grains 2.4 Studies of Exoplanets and Solar Systems Objective #2: Dissipation of Gas from Proto-planetary Disks Explore the gas at intermediate radii from the star (i.e., 1-30 AU), the key zone for understanding planet evolution MIRHES would be sensitive to the profiles of various emission lines, leading to the determination of physical/chemical conditions as a function of radius. To facilitate this, its spectral coverage is designed to observe a variety of emission lines (CO, H2O, HCN, CO2, C2H2 etc.) at 4-8 and 12-18  m. This would allow us to observe how the structure of gas disks evolve due to planet formation.

6 Specification of Instrument Short(S)-modeLong(L)-mode Wavelength coverage 4 – 8  m12 – 18  m Spectral resolution (R= /  30,00020,000 – 30,000 Slit width0.72”1.20” Slit length3.5”6.0” Dispersion element ZeSe immersion grating KRS5 immersion grating Cross disperserReflectivereflective

7 Concept Study Current Status

8 Optics & Volume (S) S-mode The light from the slit enters to the immersion grating through the collimator lenses. The dispersed light goes through the collimator lenses again, then collimated by the relay optics. This relay optics makes a pupil image on the cross-disperser, resulting in the small size of the entire optical system. S-mode requires two cross-dispersers to cover the entire 4-8  m range. The cross- dispersed light enters to the detector through the camera optics. The size of the entire optical system is about 200mm(L)X200mm(WW)X100mm(H).

9 Optics & Volume (L) L-mode Similar optical layout as for S-mode (Fig.2). Only one cross-disperser is required to cover the entire wavelength range (12 -18  m). The size of the entire optical system is about 350mm(L)X350mm(W)X200mm(H).

10 Optical Elements Achieved Spec for SPICA ZnSe grating < 0.2λ< 0.4λSurface @633nm < 0.2μm< 1μmEdge 3.6nm (rms)‏< 10nm (rms)‏Groove Random errors 1.8nm< 10nmGroove Periodic errors 5nm (rms)‏< 15nm (rms)‏Surface roughness AchievedTarget Grating Efficiency > 70-80% ⇒ Technical goal achieved for ZnSe

11 Detectors Si:As 2kx2k (Raytheon) Each arm has own detector, total 2 chips 2048 x 2048 pixel fomat Pixel pitch; 25um/pix Dark current; 0.1e/sec (TBM) Full well; 1.0x106 (electron/pix) Thermal output; 1mW Quantum Efficiency; N/A

12 Thermal Design

13 Expected Performance

14 Resource Requirements

15 Field-of-View Requirement MIHES share the fore-optics of MIRACLE FOV is 0.72 x 3.5 arcsec for S-arm and 1.20 x 6.0 arcsec for L-arm FOV should be allocated besides MIRACLE FOV.

16 Thermal & Cryogenic Requirement

17 Pointing / Attitude control Requirement

18 Structural Requirement

19 Data Generation Rate & Data Handling Requirement

20 Warm Electronics

21 Operation & Observing Mode

22 Development and Test Plan

23 Key Technical Issues & TRL

24 Development Plan

25 Test & Verification Plan

26 Development Cost

27 Observing Program

28 Observation Plan to perform Science Targets

29 Outline of Ground Data Processing

30 Organization & Structure for Development

31 Summary

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