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FET – Proactive Future and Emerging Technologies Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT ICT-2007.8.4 F1: FET – Proactive

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Presentation on theme: "FET – Proactive Future and Emerging Technologies Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT ICT-2007.8.4 F1: FET – Proactive"— Presentation transcript:

1 FET – Proactive Future and Emerging Technologies Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT ICT-2007.8.4 F1: FET – Proactive Call 3: FP7-ICT-2007-3

2 FP7 FET Proactive Initiatives WP 2007-2008 FET Proactive (Call 1) – Closed 8 May 2007 Nano-scale ICT devices and systems Pervasive Adaptation Bio-ICT Convergence FET Proactive (Call 3) – Closing 8 April 2008 Science of complex systems for socially intelligent ICT Embodied Intelligence ICT Forever Yours FET Proactive (Call 4, tentative) – Closing spring 2009 (tbc) Massive ICT Systems Human-Computer Confluence QIPC and other quantum technologies

3 Future & Emerging Technologies – FET A continuing well established successful IST scheme An incubator and pathfinder for new ideas and themes for long- term, foundational and multi-disciplinary research in the area of information and communication technologies High risk research, offset by potential breakthrough with high technological and/or societal impact Two complementary inter-linked schemes FET Proactive + FET Open FET Proactive Top-down approach Set of novel pre-defined themes Pathfinder for related communities & themes FET Open Bottom-up approach Open to any research idea Incubator for new communities & themes

4 Coordination Action Proactive Initiative Integrated Project STREP Integrated Project Pathfinder of new concepts, paradigms, disciplines, Promising a breakthrough Foundational, visionary, high-risk New interaction of existing disciplines Integration of activities in a mini-research programme A set of projects & non-research initiatives In FP6: Integrated Projects FP7 Call 1: IP + STREP FP7 future calls: more Flexibility Typically: EC funding 10-30 M€ 3-10 projects National Programmes Int’l Cooperation Mainstream ICT Education

5 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Origins –FP6 FET PI: 'Simulating Emergent properties of Complex Systems' –‘ONE-CS’ CA Complexity research living roadmap

6 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT The rationale Today’s ICT systems facilitate, enable and transform human relations forming “techno-social communities”: –large-scale systems involving distributed cooperation and coordination between both ICT and human elements. –systems in which ICT is tightly entangled with individual, social and business structures –mutually transform each other for instance through evolution of acceptance, trust, innovative uses and technology changes. We do not understand these techno-social networks and their webs of cause/effect. How do we engineer them to achieve socially beneficial and intelligent outcomes? The Science of Complex Systems offers solutions!

7 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Research Objectives Key concepts and tools for a data-intensive science of large scale techno-social systems, systematic means to model, predict and characterise the behaviour, dynamics and evolution of these systems Demonstration of the use of this understanding in novel paradigms and designs for socially intelligent ICT.

8 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Research foci ‘ Projects will integrate the following topics: –Theoretical and algorithmic foundations –Data-driven simulation –Prediction and predictability’

9 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Research focus 1 Theoretical and algorithmic foundations for scaleable modelling and simulation of techno-social systems at different levels. –technological, psychological and social dimensions –realistic diversity of behaviours –knowledge on how humans and technologies relate to and impact on each other (e.g. acceptance, use, trust).

10 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Research focus 2 Data-driven simulation tools and techniques able to cope with huge sets of heterogeneous and often unreliable data to efficiently reconstruct dynamic techno-social system models at multiple levels. This includes: –data-rich probing technologies, –protocols and experiments to gain realistic data on techno-social systems, –knowledge extraction based on scaleable and distributed methods.

11 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Research focus 3 Prediction and predictability mathematical and computational methods that help to characterize the nature and impact of transitions, novel properties and self-organising effects that can occur as systems massively scale up. Understanding the limits of predictability will allow reliable, quantitatively accurate predictions leading to strategies for better guided ICT induced transformation or for keeping systems in their viability domain.

12 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Coordination Action Coordination Action(s) Consolidation of research communities Visibility Research agendas National/regional research programmes or activities International cooperation …

13 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Expected impact multidisciplinary understanding of the ways in which ICT becomes part of the systems to which it is applied, and leads to better targeted deployment of these systems. ability to predict and design new autonomous information/communication systems –by exploiting models of self-organisation, adaptability and social behaviour. –e.g. massive service economies and other technology-dependent experimental economic models, ICT mediated communities, P2P systems, emergency management and disaster relief systems. support businesses and policy makers with best practices –with a clear and definable societal and economic added value –can contribute to solving long-term challenges such as sustainable growth, energy efficiency, or social inclusion.

14 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Budget and funding schemes 20 M€ –CP (IP only) 19M€ – CSA (CA only) 1M€

15 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Further information Cordis : COSI-ICT Proactive –Position paper, FET workshop in Dresden, Oct07. proactive/cosiict-ws-oct07-02_en.pdf proactive/cosiict-ws-oct07-02_en.pdf FET info day: 24/01/08 – Brussels

16 FET Proactive Call 3 Info day MORNING: PLENARY SESSION (Room Bu25) 08:30 - Registration 09:00 – Opening FET Proactive 09:20 – FET Proactive Call 3 09:35 – FP7 Proposals and Projects 10:00 - Opportunities for International Cooperation with China (tbc) 10:15 - Opportunities for International Cooperation with India (tbc) 10:30 - Coffee 11:00 - FP6 FET Experience – STREP, IP, CA 12:00 – Lunch AFTERNOON: PARALLEL SESSIONS Science of Complex Systems for socially intelligent ICT Embodied Intelligence ICT forever yours 13:00 - Welcome and Overview of the Initiative 13:20 - Talks by invited speakers 14:05 - Q + A discussion 14:30 - Proposers' Forum - short (1-2 min, 2 slides) presentations by participants on research/proposals 17:30 - End of meeting 24 January 2008, av. Beaulieu 25, Brussels

17 Science of Complex Systems for Socially Intelligent ICT Further information Cordis : COSI-ICT Proactive –Position paper, FET workshop in Dresden, Oct07. proactive/cosiict-ws-oct07-02_en.pdf proactive/cosiict-ws-oct07-02_en.pdf FET info day: 24/01/08 – Brussels Contact:

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