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C REATIVE I DEAS THROUGH B RAINSTORMING Presented by: Peter and Paula Presenters.

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Presentation on theme: "C REATIVE I DEAS THROUGH B RAINSTORMING Presented by: Peter and Paula Presenters."— Presentation transcript:

1 C REATIVE I DEAS THROUGH B RAINSTORMING Presented by: Peter and Paula Presenters

2 A GENDA Overview Brainstorming Objectives Rules for Brainstorming Brainstorming Activities Summarize Next Steps


4 B RAINSTORMING O BJECTIVES Define different creative training formats Examples: Personal coaching Virtual classroom Discovery labs Consider the following restrictions: Budget Location Resources

5 R ULES OF B RAINSTORMING No idea is a bad idea Be creative Take risks No criticism allowed No discussions Piggy-back ideas

6 B RAINSTORMING A CTIVITY Break into smaller groups Generate ideas Utilize Mind Mappings Try Brain Writing Use a computer to capture every comment/idea In Microsoft PowerPoint On an electronic whiteboard Using Mind Mapping software (if available)

7 S UMMARIZE Review training ideas Vote on top candidates and consolidate Check requirements and restrictions Trim list to top 5-10 ideas

8 N EXT S TEPS Research the ideas generated Follow up with larger group meeting Generate action items for follow-up Start turning ideas into reality

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