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The Pressure to Expand Angela Brown Chapter 9 Section 1 1.

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1 The Pressure to Expand Angela Brown Chapter 9 Section 1 1

2 Learning Targets: 1. Explain some of the reasons for the growth of imperialism around the world. 2. Summarize the American view regarding imperialism prior to 1890. 2

3 UU.S. powerful industrial economy = overproduction of food and goods = financial panic and depression SSome people began to believe that the U.S. had a duty to carry democratic values and Christianity to others around the globe. 3

4 Growth of Imperialism  The late 1800s marked the peak of European imperialism with much of Africa and Asia under foreign domination.  Under imperialism, stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations – economically, politically, culturally, or militarily. 4

5 Why Imperialism Grew EEconomic Factors – nations needed new markets and natural resources: rubber and petroleum NNationalistic Factors – nationalism – devotion to one’s country European nations competed for large empires 5

6 MMilitary Factors - European military forces were superior to African and Asians due to technology. Required fuel/supplies for bases around the world. HHumanitarian Factors – Colonial officials, doctors, and missionaries believed they had a duty to spread the blessings of Western Civilization, including law, medicine and religion 6

7 Europe Leads the Way  Improved transportation and communication aided European nations imperialism.  By 1890 the U.S. wanted to join in  Supporters of expansion denied that the U.S. sought to annex foreign lands.  Annex – join new territory to an existing country 7

8 The U.S. and Imperialism  1866, Sec. Of State, Seward sent 50,000 troops to the Mexican border after France placed an emperor on the Mexican throne.  The French abandoned their venture.  1867 Seward bought Alaska from Russia “Seward’s Folly”. 8

9 MMost Americans ridiculed the purchase of “walrus covered icebergs” SSeward educated the nation about Alaska’s rich resources TThe Senate ratified the purchase. 9

10  1853, Commodore Matthew C. Perry, sailed into Tokyo Bay and convinced Japan to open trade relations with the United States.  1860 – U.S. and Europe signed treaties with China for extended trade.  1867, Seward annexed the uninhabited Midway Islands in the Pacific Ocean as refueling and repair stations for naval vessels. 10

11  Midway island is located 1/3 of the way between Hawaii and Tokyo.  1875, treaty with Hawaii to sell sugar to U.S. duty free, as long as they did not sell or lease territory to any foreign power.  1890s opinions regarding international affairs differed among Americans. 11

12 Promoting Economic Growth  Many business leaders agreed the economic problems of the U.S. could only be solved by expanding its markets.  In 1880s and 1890s Standard Oil, American Telephone and Telegraph, McCormick farm machines, Singer sewing machines, Kodak cameras and Sherman- Williams paint had all become popular internationally. 12

13 11884, Minor C. Keith provided financial services to the Costa Rican government and won long-term leases for lands and railroad lines. 11913 Keith’s United Fruit Company exported 50 million bunches of bananas a year to U.S. and dominated governments of Costa Rica, Guatamala, and Honduras. NNicknamed Central American nations banana republics. 13

14 Protecting American Security NNaval officers joined with business to convince Congress to build modern steam-powered steel-hulled ships to protect overseas trade. 11881 Congress established a naval advisory board 11883 authorized the building of three cruisers and two battleships, including U.S.S Maine. 14

15  1890 Naval Act called for construction of more battleships, gunboats, torpedo boats, and cruisers  1900 U.S. had one of the most powerful navies in the world. 15

16 Preserving American Spirit SSenator Henry Cabot Lodge, historian Frederick Jackson Turner, and young politician Theodore Roosevelt argued that a quest for empire might restore the countries pioneer spirit. LLost due to closing of frontier. 16

17 DDrew on doctrine of social Darwinism to justify takeover of new territories. TThe civilizations produced by Anglo- Saxon people were superior to the societies they conquered. EExpansion not only this nation’s destiny but a noble pursuit. 17

18 Public Opinion Leans Toward Expansion  Gradually public opinion warmed to the idea of expansion. 18

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