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1. Which govt did the us first approach to build a canal Colombia.

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1 1. Which govt did the us first approach to build a canal Colombia

2 T/F the US always supported independence for the Philippines False

3 3. Where did the first battle in the Spanish American war take place? Philippines

4 4.Did the US like Spain Ruling Cuba? No; harsh treatment; America for the Americas

5 5. Who ruled Cuba for centuries spain

6 6.Who helped convince Japan to open its ports Matthew Perry

7 7. Year Hawaii Became a state Aug 21 st 1959

8 8.Who overthrew Queen Lil? American Planters

9 9. Why were the pacific islands important? Stopping places to refuel ; get supplies

10 10.Many americans believed in Imperialism True

11 11.Who was the US competing with Other nations overseas

12 Mul Choice 1. Isolationism Noninvolvement in world Affairs

13 2.Quote “sea power is essential to the greatness of every splendid people.” Alfred Thayer Mahan

14 3.Who’s belief in expansionism led to the building of the Panama Canal? William Seward

15 4.Which countries split Samoa Germany, US

16 5.Where did the second open door policy come from? The Boxer Rebellion

17 6.which country controlled cuba before the spanish american war? Spain

18 7.Name the reason why the US got involved in the spanish american war. Yellow Journalism; Maine Blew up in Havana harbor, Cuba Treated Badly

19 8.1 st Application of the Roosevelt Corollary Dominican Republic

20 9.who helped Panama revolt against their govt? Who was in control before? US helped revolt against Colombia

21 10.What set up the Puerto Rican Government Foraker Act

22 11.Which rebels helped capture manila Filipinos

23 12.Wqhich country’s events help trigger the Spanish American War Cuba

24 13.Treaty of Portsmouth By Roosevelt- Helped end the Russo- Japanese War

25 14.Queen Lil goal Hawaiians to regain economic control of their islands

26 15.Hawaiian islands Makup 8 Large; 100 smaller islands The eight "main islands" are (from the northwest to southeast)Ni’ihau, Kaua’i, O’ahu, Moloka’I, Lana’I Kaho’ Olawe, Maui and Hawai’iThe last is by far the largest, and is often called the "Big Island" or "Big Isle" to avoid confusion with the state as a whole. MEL-lay KAH-lee-KEY-mah-kah.


28 16.William H. Seward’s Goal American empire that dominated the Caribbean, Pacific and Central America

29 17.Matthew Perry’s Travels Went to Japan- Signed treaty of Kanagawa

30 18.Santiago, What happened here? Spanish American War- Spanish ships were blockaded and tried to escape= resulted in the end of spanish resistance

31 19.First Fighting in Spanish American War Philippines

32 20.Quote Sea Power (Section 1) Refuel, Supply and Repair warships

33 21. Quote yeild Authority Queen Lil

34 Matching 1. James G Blain- Helped foster the Pan-American Union

35 2.Guantanamo Bay US Naval Base in Cuba



38 3.Imperialism Policy of creating large empires

39 4.John Hay Proposed Open Door policy

40 5.Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Seaport

41 6.Pago Pago US Naval base in Samoa

42 7.Rough Riders Captured San Juan Hill- led by T. Roosevelt

43 8.King Kamehamea I Unified Hawaiian Islands

44 9.Alaska Purchased from Russia

45 10.Francisco “Pancho”Villa Mexican Rebel

46 Short Answer1.What is Imperialism Time period when nations exerted political and economic control over weaker nations

47 2.Two Diseases which plagued soldiers in Span/Am War and workers in Panama Yellow Fever/ Malaria

48 3.From who did the US purchase Alaska Russia

49 4. Where did Queen Lil call home Hawaii

50 5.Who was the hero of Cuban Independence Jose Marti- the GW of Cuba

51 6.Name 4 countries the us expanded to this chapter Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa, Philippines


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