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IntelliPool’s functionality, tell me more !  salt level based on conductivity measurement  Unique two way communication with Pentair’s salt chlorinator,

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Presentation on theme: "IntelliPool’s functionality, tell me more !  salt level based on conductivity measurement  Unique two way communication with Pentair’s salt chlorinator,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IntelliPool’s functionality, tell me more !  salt level based on conductivity measurement  Unique two way communication with Pentair’s salt chlorinator, Intellichlor → Continuous low speed filtration perfects chlorine production and chemical dosing

2 IntelliPool functionality, tell me more !  Full heating management → Engaging heatpumps → Manage water temperature  Adjusted filtration and chemical dosing when pool cover is closed  Direct online access to superb Pentair Intellibrite 5G LED lights  AUX output to manage automatic backwash or water features  Free of charge online access via pc, ipad or smart phones

3 IntelliPool: benefits for the pool owner  Safety → Perfectly balanced water at all times → Automatic alerts push to pool owner and/or builder  Savings → Maximum energy savings → Less use of chemicals → Longer Intellichlor life cycle  Ease of use → Constant availability of pool information → Remote service → Enjoy your pool, not the technical room

4 IntelliPool: benefits for the pool builder  Maintenance → Remote diagnosis → Automatic alarm push → Proactive chemical service → Warranty  High tech image of your company

5 IntelliPool: Technical installation

6  Multi platform: PCiPhone,iPadTabletSmartphone  Access free of charge  Trial → User: Intellipool → Pasword: guest

7 IntelliPool, optimize your customer service  Pool list → Online customers follow up → Automatic information push/alerts by e-mail

8 IntelliPool: Summary  Information on key parameters  Pool cover status  Lights status  Pump status  Alarms → Backwash → Water parameters

9 IntelliPool: pool history  Unique diagnostic tool  Consult data on hourly, daily, monthly, yearly basis → Data available 10 years  Less on-site interventions

10 IntelliPool: Commands  Set filtration: → Auto/timer/on-off → Normal/eco/turbo  Lightning: On/off/timer  Launch auto backwash  Heating: on/off  PH: off/auto  ORP: off/auto

11 IntelliPool: setpoints  Set level of main parameters

12 IntelliPool: IntelliFlo settings  Restrict IntelliFlo  Set specific speeds for different functionalities → Electrolysis → Heating → Backwash → Aux

13 IntelliPool alarms  Set minimum and maximum levels per parameter  Intellipool can trigger alarms when actual values exceed the maximum values

14 IntelliPool: conclusion !  Automatic surveillance of your pool parameters  Free online acces, alerts and control of your pool  Easy to install and use  Designed for IntelliFlo pumps


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