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Presented by: VIVAT International An advocate gives voice to repressed voices in political systems, seeking to realize a positive change in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: VIVAT International An advocate gives voice to repressed voices in political systems, seeking to realize a positive change in the world."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presented by: VIVAT International


4 An advocate gives voice to repressed voices in political systems, seeking to realize a positive change in the world

5 Advocacy is arguing in favor of something, such as a cause, idea, or policy

6 Advocacy is a practical tool to reduce poverty and injustice by empowering people such as the poor and to empower those who are concerned about the poor.

7 Advocacy is the act of building a relationship with those whose needs are underrepresented and advocating, pleading for, or supporting these causes and issues, to influence governments, businesses, institutions, and public opinion

8 Advocacy is often the key activity of NGO networks, operating in national/global campaigns

9 Advocacy is a step above service providing, instead working to solve the underlying systems of injustice that perpetuate social problems and inequality

10 Advocacy occurs When individuals engage in dialogue about an issue they care about


12 Advocacy is a critical supporting pillar of the democratic system


14 One can engage in advocacy by meeting with a legislator on an important issue, writing an editorial for a newspaper,

15 Raising awareness for a cause at a community event, or even promoting an issue while having dinner with friends


17 Our response to poverty and injustice requires us to work for policy change and to challenge those in the government who withhold justice.

18 Advocacy is a strategic decision to achieve long-term structural change that benefits the people.

19 It is often seen as a project that fits in the larger democratization process and good governance framework.

20 An NGO advocacy campaign will enhance the self-respect of these generally unheard and marginalized groups, and empower them in claiming their space in the political arena.

21 Grassroots lobbying is very effective because the legislators are hearing directly from their constituency, who will be voting the next time they are up for re-election.

22 Non-governmental organizations have the opportunity to help lawmakers understand what concerns and affects different communities.

23 Advocating is important because it improves communication with elected officials, government regulators, insurers and the media, which play a significant role in our society

24 Often, the laws, rules and/or perceptions the government creates directly influence our day-to-day lives

25 Advocating is important because it improves communication with elected officials, government regulators, insurers and the media, which play a significant role in our society.

26 Successful advocacy campaigns will improve the public profile for NGOs, and as a result there will be more support from the public, recognition from the donors and respect from governments.

27 In general, advocacy NGOs reveal truths that are not liked by vested interests and power holders. Being involved in NGO advocacy therefore entails taking risks sometimes: politically, legally, mentally and physically

28 Many times government officials avoid the responsibilities they are faced with because they do not want to deal with the issue or are unfamiliar with the issue.


30 What is the problem? How can we solve it? Get and idea of the issue’s landscape Select your Issue

31 Set Objectives Investigate the law regarding your issue Consider the legal cycle Consider the legal cycle All objectives should be S M A R T  Specific  Measurable  Achievable  Relevant  Time- bound All objectives should be S M A R T  Specific  Measurable  Achievable  Relevant  Time- bound Select Specific targets Research Select Specific targets Research Analyze your style and strengths Analyze your style and strengths

32 Establish a Network Networking is a unique capability of advocacy organizations

33 Define your Audience Questions to ask: Which actors hold the greatest influence on the change you want to see? Are these Actors Accessible? How can your message be conveyed?

34 Utilize the Tools of Advocacy Lobbying Letter Writing Mass Media Meetings/Events

35 Lobbying Lobbying is the act of working directly with policymakers - Target specific policymakers with influence - Also work on secondary targets, individuals with influence over the main target -Keep the conversation advanced and well- informed

36 Lobbying - Build up a reputation of high-quality research - Invite policymakers to visit your site or office - Maintain professional courtesy and always thank those involved - Draw from your local community, their insider knowledge

37 Mass Media Dealing with Mass Media is an effective, but dangerous advocacy tool Be well informed of the reputation, history, and style of the outlet you intend to use

38 Mass Media The Media includes television, radio, and the press - each medium has its own pros and cons Mass Media can be used to indirectly Influence politicians

39 Social Media?

40 Letter Writing (Email) Letters must be concise and informative Establish common ground with the recipient Enlist co-signers to increase the influence of the letter

41 Letter Writing (Email) Issue letter on official letterhead with contact information, stress your credentials letters are often useful for introductions and discussion of future meetings

42 Meetings/Events Meetings/events can help make your case directly to a policymakers or raise public awareness (and therefore legislative pressure) for your project As always, come prepared and professional

43 Meetings/Events Anticipate counter-arguments and remain respectful If the meetings is a public event, showcase important statistics alongside emotional testimonies Send thank you note for attendance

44 In Focus: Writing for Advocacy For Advocates, the great majority of communications must be short, concise, and informative

45 Uses technical terms Written for a specific audience in-depth analysis encouraged Lengthy Complex sentence structures Not use technical terms Written for general audience Only space for some in-depth analysis Concise Simple sentence structures Advocacy Writing Scientific/ Academic Writing

46 Review and Reassess Advocacy organizations often fail to maintain accountability Ensure you remain deeply involved with the community you represent and diversify your support within

47 Establish a plan for continued monitoring of progress Remain flexible to new ideas Encourage members to contribute Review and Reassess


49 Thank you for your attention! Best of luck on all your future advocacy endeavors Thank you for your attention! Best of luck on all your future advocacy endeavors

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