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P ERSON -C ENTERED A DVOCACY AND THE N EW P ROFESSIONAL Laura Eisenman, Jamie Wolfe, Nancy Weiss, Steve Eidelman, & Lisa Fong Center for Disabilities Studies.

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1 P ERSON -C ENTERED A DVOCACY AND THE N EW P ROFESSIONAL Laura Eisenman, Jamie Wolfe, Nancy Weiss, Steve Eidelman, & Lisa Fong Center for Disabilities Studies University of Delaware

2 B ACKGROUND : D ISABILITIES S TUDIES M INOR Open to all undergraduate majors Interdisciplinary courses 3 required courses: [ Families and Developmental Disabilities; Exceptional Children; and Senior Seminar in Disabilities Studies ] 3 elective courses, one from each of the following broad topic areas: [ Human Development; Social Systems; Service Delivery Methods ] Focus of Minor Learn about people, policies, services, and supports Promote full participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of community

3 S ENIOR SEMINAR : B EFORE Topics History of disability rights movement (e.g., 504, ADA) Current topics (e.g., end-of-life decisions; veterans’ issues) Cultural shifts (e.g., medical model, disability identity) Assignments Advocacy Website Review Legislative Bill Summary & Tracking Community Program Review Seminar Leadership [Class Discussion] Advocacy Project: Work with a Disability Organization/Agency

4 G OALS FOR NEW SENIOR SEMINAR Increase students’ knowledge of : Core disability policy themes Person-centered planning Advocacy and facilitating change Help students understand: Connections among public policy issues and day-to-day lives of people with disabilities

5 S ENIOR SEMINAR : NEW VERSION Course Questions Why study disabilities? How does public policy affect the lives of people with disabilities and their families? How do emerging “person-centered” frameworks in policy and practice influence professional roles? What types of advocacy have been effective in creating significant changes for people with disabilities?

6 Course Components Person- Centered Perspectives Disability Policy Framework Facilitating Change Then & Now Issues Changing Images Community Living Employment Education Health Care Listening to Stories Telling Stories Advocacy Critical Topics Self Local State National Legal S ENIOR SEMINAR : NEW VERSION

7 NEW S ENIOR SEMINAR : ASSIGNMENTS Discussion Paper Core Policy Themes and Topics Book Review Memoir of person with disability or family member Advocacy Project: Focus on a Person Sample Interview Questions Draft Story and Theme Draft Policy Points Multimedia & Oral Presentation Policy Paper

8 NEW S ENIOR SEMINAR : SAMPLE ADVOCACY PROJECTS Sean’s Journey School-to-adult life transition Self-directed funding Danielle & Independent Living Directing decisions about one’s life Community supports The Keller Family Growing up with autism Money follows the person

9 S ENIOR S EMINAR S TUDENTS ’ SELF - ASSESSMENTS I learned more in depth about the types of advocacy and how to help others become their own advocates. Furthermore, I gained a greater perspective on the power advocacy can have on policy and practice change. I learned much more about specific policies involved in current issues such as money follows the person and community services act. Becoming more knowledgeable about these issues is important to me on a professional and personal level. Being informed makes me a better advocate and spread the information to others.

10 S ENIOR S EMINAR S TUDENTS ’ SELF - ASSESSMENTS I learned a lot about advocacy and the different strategies for making change in policy. Advocacy is very important because it takes a lot of work to actually change the system. …through my project and class readings and discussions, I’ve identified some areas of needed improvement – more personal choice available…more focus on teaching advocacy and self-determination… People with disabilities deserve …professionals in their lives who understand disability policy and the importance of person-centered planning.

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