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Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community Fresh approaches to developing Primary and Social Care through premises Dr Alan Roberts Iain Stewart, Head of Wallasey

2 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community Wallasey locality profile Population:73,000 Number of practices: 17 Number of GPs: 44

3 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community History of Wallasey - 1990 – Informal meetings/PGEA meetings - Locality/Extended Executive/CMG - Multi-Fund formed between smaller practices - Therapeutics Groups established before PCGs - Established concept of sharing clinical knowledge to improve practice - Locality-wide Protected Learning Time

4 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community

5 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community

6 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community Future profile of GP premises Centre 1.4 practices Centre 2.4 practices Centre 3.3 practices Centre 4.1 practice Centre 5.3 practices Centre 6.1 practice

7 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community Services at each Centre: PhlebotomyDietetics PodiatryPhysiotherapy Counselling/CBTCitizens Advice Bureau Medical Training facilitiesSocial Care services Complementary therapiesPALS

8 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community Contractual flexibility via Personal Medical Services 15 Practices, 41 GPs working together to address public health needs Wallasey Heart Centre/ Care of Elderly in Nursing Homes Dermatology service Sharing best practice and clinical knowledge – no more competition Higher profile nursing investment – Access targets met WEF 2001 as a PCG Type II Diabetic Management in primary care – NSF Secondary to primary Feel good factor

9 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community

10 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community Primary Secondary Intermediate Extended The start of a Local Quality Framework?

11 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community Contracting from 2004; A local deal versus a national deal Local contract structured as simply as; Managing Chronic Disease Access to Primary Care services Addressing Health Inequalities PCT Star Rating areas Managing the business Local Quality Framework Contract Value £

12 Birkenhead & Wallasey Primary Care Trust improving health, reducing inequalities Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT is part of the Cheshire and Merseyside teaching PCT Collaborative a learning community So, a fresh approach? Well, these guys had a premises idea too…………….

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