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Route to Success: What are the keys to creating system change? 2006 NACDD Conference Pittsburgh, PA.

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Presentation on theme: "Route to Success: What are the keys to creating system change? 2006 NACDD Conference Pittsburgh, PA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Route to Success: What are the keys to creating system change? 2006 NACDD Conference Pittsburgh, PA

2 What is system change and who makes it happen? It…  Involves “making changes in the way major parts of community service systems…are linked together and how they function.”*  Focuses on goals or outcomes  Is usually a result of small steps over time  Typically has a dedicated group of advocates or an individual champion  Sees individual advocacy as essential *Center for Civic Partnerships, 2001.

3 Project Partners  Human Services Research Institute –Sarah Taub:  Temple University Institute on Disabilities/UCEDD –Celia Feinstein:

4 Route to Success Project Goals  Identify a set of indicators of system change  Identify strategies used to make system change happen  Describe the extent to which system change has occurred in the areas of transportation and housing  Describe the DD Council’s role in system change

5 So far, we’ve…  Interviewed people in transportation and housing  Generated a set of indicators of system change  Organized the indicators using a framework based on the work of Richmond & Kingdon

6 Draft Model of System Change* *Adapted from Richmond, J.B. & Kotelchuck, M. “Political Influences: Rethinking National Health Policy.” Handbook of Health Professions Education. Improve Knowledge Base Create Political Will Use Clear Social Strategies System Change

7 Improve the Knowledge Base  What are the problems, trends, unmet needs? What are potential solutions and current best practices used to address the problem?  Specific strategies: –Conduct an assessment to collect data about transportation access issues –Sponsor local cross-disability work groups –Organize a statewide summit

8 Use Clear Social Strategies  Establish clear goals and methods for achieving them. Identify key players. Analyze constraints. Articulate responsibilities. Evaluate results. Celebrate success.  Specific strategies: –Relentless advocacy efforts –Publicize and celebrate successes

9 Create Political Will  Who cares about the problem? How does it relate to other problems? Is there an existing constituency? Is there work already to be built upon? Does it appear too complex? Is there a sense of urgency?  Specific strategies: –Seek out and develop political champions –Recognize existing resources and build on them

10 Other Considerations  Leadership – “Policy entrepreneurs”* – rated as very or somewhat important in 15 out of 23 case studies of critical factors in policy change –Key to sustainable change  “Magical” events –Unpredictable, accidental –Be prepared and ready to seize opportunities *Kingdon, J.W. (2003). Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies.

11 COUNCIL MISSION CREATE KNOWLEDGE BASE SELECT SOCIAL STRATEGIES FIND POLITICAL WILL Support people with disabilities in taking control of their own lives Ensure access to goods, services and supports Build inclusive communities Pursue a cross disability agenda Change negative societal attitudes toward people with disabilities

12 Change Strategies - Transportation COUNCIL MISSION CREATE KNOWLEDGE BASE SELECT SOCIAL STRATEGIES FIND POLITICAL WILL “Magical” Events Policy Entrepreneurs Ensure access to goods, services and supports Conducted assessment of transportation needs Collecting statistics Built trust among advocates Celebrating Success DOT and utility commission buy-in Transp.Audit Rolling Justice 2000 Sen. Rhodes - champion for Shared Ride for 10 years

13 Potential Uses of the Model  Evaluate past or current strategies used by the organization as a whole – are there any gaps?  Promote the use of a variety of strategies by individual projects to achieve success  Facilitate the development of project goals, logic models, and evaluation plans

14 Route to Success – next steps  Identify two Council funded projects  Work directly with them to apply the framework and monitor system change  Report back to the Council about the effect of our TA and any system change that results

15 Two projects selected will have…  System change identified as a component of its work or as an outcome or goal  An interest in trying out the draft framework with the various components of its project  A willingness to work with project staff to monitor activities and to give feedback about progress  Representation from different committees on the Council

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