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Self-Fulfilling Prophecies. What do you know? Self-fulfilling prophecy ■Our beliefs about what we think we can accomplish and what others tell us we.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-Fulfilling Prophecies. What do you know? Self-fulfilling prophecy ■Our beliefs about what we think we can accomplish and what others tell us we."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-Fulfilling Prophecies

2 What do you know?

3 Self-fulfilling prophecy ■Our beliefs about what we think we can accomplish and what others tell us we can accomplish have a huge impact on how we interact with people and what we get out of those interactions. ■We are more likely to become what we truly believe we are - whether it’s true or not.

4 What we believe about ourselves How we act What others believe about us How others act toward us

5 (S)He believes it’s true Child doesn’t study and fails Others form the belief the child is stupid A child is told (s)he is stupid For example…

6 We are what we expect ■What we believe becomes our experience, not because it is the only option, but because we choose to act in ways that affirm our beliefs ■Interrupting the self-fulfilling prophecy cycle at any stage can begin to change what we believe is possible.

7 Exercise How do self-fulfilling prophecies play out in your life?

8 Let’s hear your examples…

9 What’s the good news? ■Self-fulfilling prophecies aren’t always a bad thing (they are what we make them). ■The more you orient to positive beliefs, the more your brain will use them (choose those beliefs) over the negative ones.

10 Find a buddy ■What are you learning from this conversation? ■How can you apply this to your team? ■To your life goals?

11 Homework Assignment STEP ONE Identify a self-fulfilling prophecy that you want to begin to change to a more positive self-fulfilling prophecy

12 Homework Assignment STEP TWO Identify different qualities you would have and/or things you would accomplish if you fulfilled this new positive prophecy.

13 Homework Assignment STEP THREE Create something that illustrates what we would see when you begin to live your positive self- fulfilling prophecy. ■Include qualities and accomplishments ■Create something that you can show in class and print a copy for your binder

14 Homework Assignment STEP THREE: EXAMPLES A Vision Board

15 Homework Assignment STEP THREE: EXAMPLES A Drawing or Painting

16 Homework Assignment STEP THREE: EXAMPLES A Poem

17 Homework Assignment STEP THREE: EXAMPLES A Collage

18 Homework Assignment STEP THREE: EXAMPLES A Song

19 Homework Assignment STEP THREE: EXAMPLES A Short Comic/Graphic Strip

20 Homework Assignment STEP ONE: Identify a self-fulfilling prophecy that you want to begin to change to a more positive self-fulfilling prophecy STEP TWO: Identify different qualities you would have and/or things you would accomplish if you fulfilled this new positive prophecy. STEP THREE: Create something that illustrates what we would see when you begin to live your positive self-fulfilling prophecy. Examples:Vision board Drawing/Painting with words Poem Collage Song Graphic Comic Strip



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