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The Pavilion of God April 25, 2010 The Reverend Dr. Alethea Smith-Withers, Pastor.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pavilion of God April 25, 2010 The Reverend Dr. Alethea Smith-Withers, Pastor."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pavilion of God April 25, 2010 The Reverend Dr. Alethea Smith-Withers, Pastor

2 Order of Worship Meditation Call to Worship Prayer of Invocation Lord hear our prayers!!

3 P RAISE M USIC I’ M C HOOSING H EAVEN T ODAY I’m choosing Heaven today, I’m choosing Heaven today I am walking the road of Heaven right now singing I’m choosing Heaven today (love, beauty, I choose compassion, grace, life, joy. I choose abundance) I’m choosing Heaven today.

4 WELCOME! Concerns, Affirmations, Celebrations, and Announcements Prayers of the People

5 S CRIPTURE : C ORINTHIANS 12:7-11 7 N ow to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 T o one there is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 t o another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 t o another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.


7 M ESSAGE : T O T HINE O WN S ELF B E R E A L L Y T RUE Last Sunday’s questions were: What has meaning in your life and purpose of your life? What enables you to be fulfilled ?  Acknowledging the truth is a challenging process!

8 People who focused on surviving don’t know the meaning or purpose of their lives, and they don’t seek fulfillment. But when you choose life & you want to be true to yourself, you choose abundance. Jesus said, "I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly" (John 10:10). How is abundance manifested?

9 A Spiritual Gift is a special divine empowerment bestowed on each believer by the Holy Spirit to accomplish a given ministry in alignment with the will of God AND to be used within the Body of Christ

10 S PIRITUAL G IFTS Romans 12 exhortation giving leadership mercy prophecy service teaching 1 Corinthians 12 administration apostle discernment faith healing helps knowledge miracles healing helps knowledge miracles prophecy teaching tongues interpretation wisdom Ephesians 4 apostle evangelism pastor prophecy teaching Misc. Passages celibacy hospitality martyrdom missionary voluntary poverty

11 To Thine Own Self Be REALLY True! Discover or recover your gifts Honor your gifts Share your gifts Build your gifts


13 C ALL TO D ISCIPLESHIP O FFERING “I T IS MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN RECEIVE !” Benediction: Let us go forth to serve God and serve the people; To love God and love the people, from this day forth and forever more. Amen!

14 T HE P AVILION OF G OD – A B APTIST C OMMUNITY About The Pavilion of God – We are bold, brilliant, and beautiful people of God. The Pavilion of God is community of faith that is dynamic and different! You can come “as you are” – the real you is always welcomed and embraced – even if you are dressed down in jeans and tennis shoes or dressed up in a suit. Our faith community is a testament to the fact that God is doing a new thing by advancing new and powerful currents of change, diversity, and multiculturalism. Simply said, “We are a ‘we’ – a community formed by our decision to ‘walk’ together and to use our faith to seek understanding.” Join us on our journey of spiritual growth and unfoldment. Membership – You can join The Pavilion of God by a statement of faith in Jesus Christ, Baptism, or a letter of referral from your home church. Membership in the Body of Christ is important! Pray about uniting with The Pavilion of God today! God loves you and so do we. The Pavilion of God worships at 1719 13 th Street, NW in the Social Hall of The Mazique Parent Child Center 11 a.m. on Sunday CONTACT: Rev. Dr. Alethea Smith-Withers, Pastor 202-365-2842 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © The Pavilion of God 2010

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