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Mission Statement: To Create Life- Long Learners.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission Statement: To Create Life- Long Learners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission Statement: To Create Life- Long Learners

2 What does it mean to be a Life-Long Learner? E E

3 We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist… Using technologies that haven’t been invented… In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet!

4 To be Life-Long Learners our children need to be “Active Learners”

5 An Active Learner? Knows: What they are learning and why they are learning it. Difference between the task and the learning (WALT) How will they learn (WILF, success criteria) Where to next (Formative Assessment, next steps) Teacher- How effective is my teaching in making a difference for students? Student- What am I doing well? What do I need to learn?

6 As Teachers We must: Be smarter with our data. E-AsTTle? Ka Hikitia Goal? Inquiry focus? PAT results? Knowing the needs of each student vs class needs. Identify individual learning goals, gaps in the child’s learning Teach to the learning needs of the child Meaningful/ purposeful engagement. Difference between a task (Seek and destroy, rubbish bin survey, keep them busy, what to do today activity) and purposeful learning, related to the child’s needs. Mid-Term Reports- Next learning steps. Accountability

7 Criterion 11 analyse and appropriately use information which has been gathered formally and informally i. analyse assessment information to identify progress and ongoing learning needs of ākonga ii. use assessment information to give regular and ongoing feedback to guide and support further learning iii. analyse assessment information to reflect on and evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching iv. communicate assessment and achievement information to relevant members of the learning community v. foster involvement of whānau in the collection and use of information about the learning of ākonga  provide feedback to students How do I gather and use assessment information in ways that advances the learning of my ākonga?  On going formative assessment.- ‘Assessment for Learning’  Regular feedback setting and co constructing next learning steps.  Acknowledge shifts in learning.  Regularly reflect (Self and Teams) on programmes and current practice.  Engage in Practice analysis and open to Learning conversations. Registered Teacher Criteria 11 of 12.

8 An example of where the teacher has no idea of the data nor is the teaching been informed by an OTJ

9 More recent critique of the deficit approaches held by teachers in mainstream schools have been undertaken by Russell Bishop, Mere Berryman, Sarah-Jane Tiakiwai and Cath Richardson as a part of the ‘Te Kotahitanga’ research project. Bishop (2003) found that a key element in the maintenance of underachievement was the discourse of deficit thinking that prevailed amongst many teachers. They noted in their conclusions; The Maori students, those parenting these students and their principals (and some of their teachers) saw that the most important influence on Maori students’ educational achievement was the quality of the in-class face-to-face relationships and interactions between the teachers and Maori students. In contrast, the majority of teachers suggested that the major influence on Maori students’ educational achievement was the children themselves and/or their family/whanau circumstances, or systemic/structural issues. This deficit theorising by teachers is the major impediment to Maori students’ educational achievement for it results in teachers having low expectations of Maori students. This in turn creates a downward spiraling, self-fulfilling prophecy of Maori student achievement and failure. (Bishop 2003: 4-5) Is this true for all our students?

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