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Catalyzing a Shared Agenda: Connecting UNGEI with the Gender & Research Communities UNGEI GAC Meeting, 9 May 2012 UNICEF Executive Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalyzing a Shared Agenda: Connecting UNGEI with the Gender & Research Communities UNGEI GAC Meeting, 9 May 2012 UNICEF Executive Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalyzing a Shared Agenda: Connecting UNGEI with the Gender & Research Communities UNGEI GAC Meeting, 9 May 2012 UNICEF Executive Board

2 3 Key Takeaways on Mandate & Partnerships Connect with missing partner constituencies More Strategic in country engagement UNGEI Mandate: Policy Advocacy

3 Shifting Sands: Executing a Policy Advocacy mandate as the status of core issue changes UNICEF THEN Basic indicator showed wide gender disparity Gender: struggle to get on development agenda Education: 1 st generation: universal primary enrolment Energy on the “WHY” NOW Basic indicator--vast progress in aggregate Gender: has gained traction in development Education: 2nd generation: secondary, learning outcomes Energy on the “HOW”

4 Victims of Success? Redefine Goal? Have we achieved gender equality in education?

5 Moving Forward: “Upping the Anti” Stick to Mandate: Reposition policy advocacy & serve as catalyst Influence at Global, regional and country levels Refine goals, consolidate knowledge, information, evidence Engage with new “like minded” constituencies Give partners return on investment: “their issues on the table”

6 Research Community MEASURES BEYOND PARITY Completion, regional/ethnic disaggregation, learning, skill level, empowerment DETERMINANTS OF DISPARITY Gendered situation and sectoral analysis EVIDENCE ON WHAT WORKS Interpret, cumulate, and share meaningful results

7 2 nd generation indicators and gender mainstreaming Getting commitment and movement on gender: Single best way: provide meaningful gender indicators to track ( amenable to aggregation) “Mainstreaming gender”: Single best way: influence planning process and definition of desired outcomes

8 Translate and package research for policy use Maki’s point—evidence there, not being well used. Anticipate the gender biases of audiences--decision- makers Co-develop country specific, meaningful analysis with researchers, advocates, community experts to reach: Gender and education experts Male and female power brokers

9 Engaging with gender advocates They have been stuck in 1 st generation view of education for girls. But they are championing areas that have fundamental relationship with girls education but are doomed to be small scale without integration through education sector: Violence prevention Norms, harmful practices; child marriage Reproductive health and rights Economic empowerment

10 Child Marriage; Reproductive Health UNICEF Executive Board – 2011 Annual Session – Informal ConsultationUNICEF

11 Girls’ Education to Better Development: Opening the black box

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