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Dialoguing with the Skeptical & the “Unchurched”.

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Presentation on theme: "Dialoguing with the Skeptical & the “Unchurched”."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dialoguing with the Skeptical & the “Unchurched”

2 Skeptic – one who requires evidence or sufficient proof (we should all be skeptics on some level!) Atheist – absence of belief in God/divine (technically different from “believes God does not exist”, practically they are identical) Agnostic – lacks sufficient knowledge or access to knowledge to know decisively one way or the other Unchurched – lacks upbringing in and affiliation with a Christian denomination/church

3 1) Learn the language! Acts 2:4-6 – overcoming the obstacle of “understanding” Acts 17:16-31 – Paul spoke the “language” of his audience Read and study topics outside your comfort zone in science, archaeology, prophecy, NT scholarship philosophy, history, newspaper, etc…

4 2) Avoid Stupid and Foolish Controversies II Timothy 2:14-26 – our aim is to teach accurately; not win a fight What are the problems that people may have with Christianity? Content problem – what does Christianity really teach? Coherence problem – does not make sense yet, harbor some doubts Cost problem – embracing Christianity will create upheaval in life

5 3) Focus discussion on what someone does believe I Timothy 1:3-7 – does someone really understand what they affirm? Note: Atheism is not a worldview, it is an objection to a theistic worldview. It does not explain what someone does believe, only what someone does not believe. Humanism?, scientism?, some other worldview?

6 4) Share stories of your lives I Thessalonians 2:8 Not just about arguments and information, but about the people

7 Online Resources (Douglas Jacoby) (John Oakes) (William Lane Craig) (CS Lewis Institute) (Mike Licona) (Ravi Zacharias) (John Lennox) (ACR Teaching Website) (look here for youtube channel, powerpoints and exam material!)

8 Exit Survey 1)What part of the session was most informative/helpful? 2)On a scale of 1-5 how much better equipped do you feel to deal with apologetics questions? (1=low, 5=high) 3)Any suggestions for improving the session?

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