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Ethylene Production From Tennessee Fracked Natural Gas University of Tennessee at Chattanooga ENGR 5910/ENCH 4300 4/26/2012 Brandon Dodd Valentine Mbamalu.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethylene Production From Tennessee Fracked Natural Gas University of Tennessee at Chattanooga ENGR 5910/ENCH 4300 4/26/2012 Brandon Dodd Valentine Mbamalu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethylene Production From Tennessee Fracked Natural Gas University of Tennessee at Chattanooga ENGR 5910/ENCH 4300 4/26/2012 Brandon Dodd Valentine Mbamalu

2 Outline Introduction Design Basis Cracking Reaction Process Flow Diagram Equipment Design Project Economics Conclusion

3 Introduction

4 Design Basis Analyze 500,000 metric tons Ethane feedstock per year Feedstock will be considered as 100% Ethane Negligible reaction byproducts not to be considered for this level of design

5 Ethane Cracking Reaction Byproducts Methane Propane Hydrogen Gas

6 Generalized Process Flow Diagram

7 Steam Cracker 170 MW heat duty Modeled as 2 100MW separate pyrolysis furnaces Each furnace 100 MW capacity Operates at 80% capacity.

8 Transfer Line Exchanger Shell and Tube Model 73 MW Heat Removed from Product Stream 820 m 2 Total Exchange Area 2 Units in Series

9 Distillation Columns 3 Total Columns 8 stage de-methanizer – 10m high – 3m diameter 20 stage de-ethylenizer – 15m high – 3m diameter 40 stage de-ethanizer – 27m high – 3m diameter

10 Other Equipment Estimated Quench Tower Compressors Refrigeration Pumps Fans



13 Unit Cost Summary

14 Costs – In Millions Capital Costs - $121 – Includes land cost Total Annual Operating Costs - $617 – Utility Cost - $142 – Raw Material Cost - $475 – Labor Cost – estimated $1


16 Revenue – In Millions Total Yearly Revenue - $960 Ethylene – 560,000 metric tons – $955 Methane – 3000 metric tons – $0.7 Propane – 3000 metric tons – $0.7

17 Revenue Vs. Cost

18 Payback Period

19 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Air pollution Primary – Nitrogen dioxide, Particulate Matters, Volatile Organic Component. Secondary – Ozone. Incinerators

20 Conclusions Costing based on key component Project is profitable Economic activities will receive boost Jobs and revenue to state and local gov.

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