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Strategic Instructional Model SIM Assignment By: Nicholas R. Baker Due Date: 5/6/14.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Instructional Model SIM Assignment By: Nicholas R. Baker Due Date: 5/6/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Instructional Model SIM Assignment By: Nicholas R. Baker Due Date: 5/6/14

2 Frame #1 Here is my frame that I used in USII regarding the changing society shortly after World War II. USII SOL 8a,b The frame that I used is for students to use as slotted notes. I broke the frame up into pieces and placed them throughout my PowerPoint with answers for the students to write on their own blank frames so all they have to do is fill in the missing information.

3 Key Topic is about… The FRAME Routine Changing patterns in __________________ society since the end of __________ changed the way most Americans _______________ and _______________ Main idea _________________ leading to changing patterns in ________ society Essential details Strong __________________ (healthy job market, increased productivity, increased demand for __________________ products Greater investment in __________________________ The “__________________________,” which led to changing demographics Evolving role of______________________ (expected to play a supporting role in the __________________ while increasingly working ________________ the home) Role of ___________________________________________in expanding _________________ rights ____________________________________ aspirations for equal opportunities Main idea Policies and programs expanding ___________________ and ___________________ opportunities _________ Bill of Rights gave educational, housing, and employment benefits to ________________ Truman ________________ the armed forces. _________________ _______________ legislation led to increased educational, economic, and political opportunities for ____________ and ______________.

4 Key Topic is about… The FRAME Routine Changing Society Changing patterns in American society since the end of World War II changed the way most Americans lived and worked. Main idea Factors leading to changing patterns in United States society Essential details Strong economy (healthy job market, increased productivity, increased demand for American products Greater investment in education The “Baby Boom,” which led to changing demographics Interstate highway system Evolving role of women (expected to play a supporting role in the family while increasingly working outside the home) Role of Eleanor Roosevelt in expanding human rights African Americans’ aspirations for equal opportunities Main idea Policies and programs expanding educational and employment opportunities G.I. Bill of Rights gave educational, housing, and employment benefits to veterans. Truman desegregated the armed forces. Civil Rights legislation led to increased educational, economic, and political opportunities for women and minorities.

5 Frame #2 This is a frame on globalization. This frame was used in the same fashion that the first frame was used as slotted notes on the globalization PowerPoint. USII 8a,b, c,d

6 The FRAME Routine Key Topic is about… Between the end of _________________ and the present, the world has been marked by an ___________________ in _________________________ and _________________________. Globalization: _______________ of nations through ___________, information, __________________, and communication. Globalization involves increased __________________ of different __________________. __________________ of _________________ on American life Improvement of all ________________ (e.g., travel, _________________, Internet) So What? Globalization has had an _____________ on all nations. Sometimes it is ___________________ and provides new opportunities while other times it can be _____________________ and can cause issues between nations. ________________ of a wide variety of ____________-made goods and services ________________ of ___________ to other ___________

7 The FRAME Routine Key Topic is about… Globalization Between the end of World War II and the present, the world has been marked by an increase in globalization and interdependence. Globalization: linking of nations through trade, information, technologies, and communication. Globalization involves increased integration of different societies. Impact of globalization on American life Improvement of all communications (e.g., travel, telecommunications, Internet) So What? Globalization has had an impact on all nations. Sometimes it is positive and provides new opportunities while other times it can be negative and can cause issues between nations. Availability of a wide variety of foreign- made goods and services Outsourcing of jobs to other nations

8 Frame #3 This is a frame on the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War. This frame was used in a similar way to frame 1 and 2. I used this also as a slotted note tool. SOL USII 8c

9 Key Topic The FRAME Routine Essential Details The ____________________ was the central organizing principle in foreign affairs for ______ years. Collapse _______________ in ____________ Breakup of the _____________________ into _____________________ countries The tension between the ____________ world and the _______________ world caused _________________________ at home and abroad. So What? Role of United States _______________________ Global issues, including __________, _________, _______________, energy Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -Ronald Reagan

10 Key Topic The FRAME Routine Essential Details Collapse of Communism The Cold War was the central organizing principle in foreign affairs for 40 years. Collapse of Communism in Europe Breakup of the Soviet Union into independent countries New challenges The tension between the free world and the communist world caused divisiveness at home and abroad. So What? Destruction of the Berlin Wall Role of United States military intervention Environmental challenges Global issues, including trade, jobs, diseases, energy Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -Ronald Reagan

11 Frame #4 This is a frame that I used in Civics/Econ for 8 th graders. This frame was used along with a graphic to represent the circular flow of the economy. Notice the giant wheel on the left side of the frame. A wheel analogy was used to discuss the circular flow of the economy. If the wheel goes to slow then the economy enters into a recession. If the wheel speeds up then the economy enters into inflation. If the wheel stops all together then the economy stops and enters into a Great Depression. The wheel is the economy.

12 Key Topic The FRAME Routine is about… Resources, goods and services, and money ____________ continuously among ________________, ___________________, and ___________________ in the United States economy. For the economy to be functioning _____________, that wheel needs to spin at a ____________, ____________ pace. If the wheel spins too________ it is bad, and ____________ occurs. Inflation is the rapid __________________ in price without increase in ___________________. If the wheel starts to _____________ it causes a ________________ which is a gradual slowing of the ________________. They are marked by a slowing in __________________. If a _______________ is not corrected and the economy returns to _______________ speed, the economy will essentially __________. This is called a ________________, which is a period of massive __________________, low _____________ and ______________, and __________ prices.

13 Key Topic Economic Flow The FRAME Routine is about… Resources, goods and services, and money flow continuously among households, businesses, and markets in the United States economy. For the economy to be functioning properly, that wheel needs to spin at a moderate, steady pace. If the wheel spins too fast it is bad, inflation occurs. Inflation is the rapid increase in price without increase in demand. If the wheel starts to slow it causes a recession which is a gradual slowing of the economy. They are marked by a slowing in demand. If a recession is not corrected and the economy returns to normal speed, the economy will essentially stop. This is called a depression, which is a period of massive unemployment low supply, low demand, and high prices.

14 Concept Frame This is a concept frame that I used before I taught the lesson to my 8 th grade Civics/Econ students. This concept frame deals with the concept of free market economies within economics. This is a type of economy that is covered within SOL CE11b.


16 Unit Organizer Frame #1 This is a unit organizer for the Judicial Branch unit on Federal, State, and Local courts. This unit organizer covers SOL CE10a,b,c,d to CE11a. This unit is broken down into important terms, civil vs criminal cases, jurisdiction, local courts, state courts, federal courts, and procedures. This was a really great tool due to the many issues that came up when teaching the unit. Issues like unplanned simulation testing, dances, snow days, and etc.


18 Unit Organizer Frame #2 This is a unit organizer for the unit on the Cold War. This covers SOL CE8c. SOL CE8c was broken down into an entire unit. This unit organizer was used so that I could organize the unit to effectively introduce and conclude important facets of the Cold War. The unit was planned to last about a week and a half to two weeks. However, in real life I had to adjust it to be a little longer due to various issues like SOL simulation testing, guest speaker, and etc that I originally did not plan for and did not know about. The unit organizer really helped me to focus on what I wanted students to get out of the unit and helped me brainstorm outline where I was going with the unit. This especially became helpful due to the above mentioned “issues.”


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