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Roberta “Bobbi” Cordano

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Presentation on theme: "Roberta “Bobbi” Cordano"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roberta “Bobbi” Cordano
Gallaudet University Campus Forum Finalist for Presidency of Gallaudet University Roberta “Bobbi” Cordano Elstad Auditorium Thursday, September 17, 2015

2 Three things I’ve been asked to do today:
1. Introduce myself. 2. “Our community is seeking a transformational leader to join the Gallaudet community in securing Gallaudet’s long term viability in the higher education landscape. What are your thoughts on transforming our university in the next three to five years while maintaining the university’s role as the world center for signed languages and cultures of deaf people?” 3. Answer questions from audience.

3 What led me here? Language Community and Sense of Belonging
Multi-Sector Experience Law Pre K–12 Bilingual Education Higher Education Nonprofit Social and Health Care Services

4 Second Question: “Our community is seeking a transformational leader to join the Gallaudet community in securing Gallaudet’s long term viability in the higher education landscape. What are your thoughts on transforming our university in the next three to five years while maintaining the university’s role as the world center for signed languages and cultures of deaf people?”

5 Mission & Vision Values

6 Creating Our Future for Gallaudet Values
1. Full community participation and leadership. Students Faculty Staff Alumni Deaf Community Parents Business, Nonprofit and Public Sectors International community People living with late deafness and their families

7 Creating Our Future for Gallaudet Values
2. Listen to learn so that new possibilities will emerge. Where the magic happens Listening to understand and discover new possibilities Moves us to creativity and consensus

8 Creating Our Vision for Gallaudet Values
3. Bilingualism: ASL and Deaf culture are at the heart of this work Work from our strength of experience and perspective in the world as Deaf people Understand how we most effectively engage in the spoken language environment of the larger community

9 Creating Our Future for Gallaudet Values
4. Diversity and Equity: Continue to commit to eliminating “isms” that deeply affect our community—especially racism and audism—and be a champion and model for equity and strengthening community. Multiple identities and different types of privilege and access Embrace and understand difference; be kind and respectful and commit to learning about each other Create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone

10 Core Strategies Mission & Vision Values

11 Foundation for Transformation Core Strategies
Student experience and academic preparation Improve enrollment, retention and graduation rates Assure inclusive bilingualism on campus and increase capacity to be welcoming of all difference Fiscal Health: Increase and diversify revenue, including fundraising; manage expenses

12 Foundation for Transformation Core Strategies
Branding and Communication: Clearly communicate Gallaudet’s uniqueness in the world Build on research and teaching strengths of faculty Assure career readiness of students and pathways to employment Strengthen ties with Alumni Nurture a positive campus climate for everyone

13 Transformative Strategies
Core Strategies Transformative Strategies Mission & Vision Values

14 Creating transformation Our Magic…
Open Dialogue: welcome different points of view Clear path emerges for how to proceed Measure what you want to change Build commitment to action Assess and evaluate how things are going Celebrate & recognize success

15 Creating transformation Our Magic…
Transformation is not new for you: Deaf President Now Movement for social change The magic of the Gallaudet community!

16 Creating transformation Our Magic…
Possibilities for Gallaudet’s Leadership: Increase national collaboration so that Gallaudet more widely influences research and teaching about and/or affecting deaf people. No barriers to entering Gallaudet.

17 Creating transformation My Commitment
Provide leadership needed for open dialogue and be a champion for your ideas and perspectives Foster and support leadership, participation, and accountability throughout our community

18 Questions from Audience

19 Thank you.

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