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Can INNOVATION and EDUCATION be combined? ANTONIO SILVA MENDES Director Education and Vocational Training DG Education and Culture 28 NOVEMBER 2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Can INNOVATION and EDUCATION be combined? ANTONIO SILVA MENDES Director Education and Vocational Training DG Education and Culture 28 NOVEMBER 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can INNOVATION and EDUCATION be combined? ANTONIO SILVA MENDES Director Education and Vocational Training DG Education and Culture 28 NOVEMBER 2013 1

2 WHY SHOULD EDUCATION AND INNOVATION BE COMBINED? Unemployment and economic crisis Skills mismatches and Adult skills survey Education panorama changing Budget constraints 2

3 EDUCATION AND INNOVATION 2 SIDES : Innovation in education Innovation by education Education New models in education, new skills for innovation Innovation 3

4 EDUCATION AND INNOVATION 2 SIDES : Innovation in education Innovation by education Education New models in education, new skills for innovation Innovation 4

5 INNOVATION IN EDUCATION In teaching and learning New models of learning Opening up education Not only learning in the classroom 5

6 INNOVATION IN EDUCATION Accessibility : Learning focused on the learner and educator flexible, playful, other sources, open pedagogical practices / Cooperation (all over the world) Foster creativity European area of Skills & qualifications 6

7 INNOVATION IN EDUCATION Equity and efficiency : Cost effective More access for disadvantaged groups Providing the right skills (PIAAC) Digital skills (90% of jobs will require IT) 7

8 INNOVATION IN EDUCATION In teaching and learning Supporting teachers' competences TWG on VET trainers More work based learning European Alliance for apprenticeships 8

9 INNOVATION IN EDUCATION EUROPEAN ALLIANCE FOR APPRENTICESHIPS Better skills matching It allows smoother transition from education to employment 9

10 INNOVATION IN EDUCATION EUROPEAN ALLIANCE FOR APPRENTICESHIPS Cooperation between training providers and companies Change mind-set for all : students, families, teachers, companies, Alliance website: 10

11 EDUCATION AND INNOVATION 2 SIDES : Innovation in education Innovation by education Education New models in education, new skills for innovation Innovation 11

12 INNOVATION BY EDUCATION Education that contributes to productivity, jobs, growth Entrepreneurship skills (for both employees and business creation) Guide for educators on entrepreneurial training Cooperation with the world of work Entrepreneurship 360 for an innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem. 12

13 INNOVATION BY EDUCATION Education promotes science and research Fuel innovation and productivity High skills, transversal skills : economic factor 13

14 Date: in 12 pts 2014 EUROPEAN BUSINESS FORUM ON VET Themes Skills needs in growing sectors Entrepreneurial VET Apprenticeships as a path to employment Strong involvement of EU VET providers associations 14

15 Date: in 12 pts How can innovation and education be combined? Key Role of Education & training providers Transform ideas into action Knowledge of the field and local reality Engage with the world of work !!! Engage with the policy makers Take advantage of Erasmus+ in the future 15

16 Learning mobility of individuals  Staff mobility, in particular for teachers, trainers, school leaders and youth workers  Mobility for higher education student, vocational education and training students  Master degree scheme  Mobility for higher education for EU and non- EU beneficiaries  Volunteering and youth Exchanges Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices  Strategic partnerships between education/training or youth organisations and other relevant actors  Large scale partnerships between education and training establishments and business: Knowledge Alliances & Sector Skills alliances  IT-Platforms including e-Twinning  Cooperation with third countries and focus on neighbourhood countries Support for policy reform  Open method of Coordination  EU tools: valorisation and implementation  Policy dialogue with stakeholders, third countries and international Organisations 3 main types of actions in Erasmus+

17 Key action 2: Modernising education and training through cooperation Strategic partnerships between education institutions, youth organisations, training institutions and other actors Focus: Take up of innovative practices, including ICT, OER, flexible learning, virtual mobility and others Entrepreneurship Large-scale coooperation between education, training establishments and business: ‘Knowledge Alliances’ and ‘Sector Skills Alliances’ 17

18 Date: in 12 pts Key action 3 - Modernising education through policy support Peer learning and cross-fertilization between education systems Prospective initiatives Development of EU tools to assess and recognise skills (valorisation) 18

19 Date: in 12 pts THANK YOU 19

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