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Mission The faculty and staff of Pittman Elementary School are committed to providing every student with adequate time, effective teaching, and a positive.

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Presentation on theme: "Mission The faculty and staff of Pittman Elementary School are committed to providing every student with adequate time, effective teaching, and a positive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mission The faculty and staff of Pittman Elementary School are committed to providing every student with adequate time, effective teaching, and a positive learning environment. Vision The students at Pittman Elementary School are equipped to compete globally utilizing 21st Century knowledge and skills. The goal of the digital learning plan sets the vision of technology use to support the mission and vision of Pittman Elementary School over the next five years. It should strengthen a quality teaching and learning in every classroom that provides a rigorous, engaging and relevant education as the right of every student. Innovative technology use that supports teaching and learning is considered critical to achieve the results our students need for success in the 21st century economy. And providing our teachers and students with the tools and support they need to achieve our District and community educational goals is our collective responsibility.  Equitable access to technology for learning and productivity is the right of all students and staff.  Technology empowers students to engage in robust and dynamic learning experiences involving exploration, discovery, collaboration and creation.  Access to technology allows for targeted differentiation of instruction to personalize learning.  Ongoing professional development for educators in the integration of technology to transform learning strengthens their ability to meet ever-changing student needs to ensure they graduate ready for college and careers Teaching & Learning : Integrate technology as a tool to support instruction, continuously seek ways to engage students in their own rigorous learning and support educators in their professional growth. Productivity : Design processes, policies and systems to take advantage of the power of technology to maximize student learning outcomes. Goals To DriveThis Initiative Infrastructure : Ensure reliability of the infrastructure necessary to increase and support the use of digital learning tools. Pittman Elementary Digital Learning Plan Mission and Vision Statement PES Guiding Principles – p. 2 Focus on 21 st Century Skills Include – p.2 Action Plan – p. 3 25041 Highway 561, Enfield, NC 27823

2 Guiding Principles This plan is built on guiding principles that outline how technology supports the school’s strategic framework and enhances great teaching and learning for all students. Focus on teaching and learning: With this investment, we have an opportunity to do the following:  more actively engage students as participants in their own learning;  deepen student learning and the complexity of connections among subject matter;  provide students with the technology that will prepare them for higher education and careers in the 21st century;  teach students the appropriate use of technology In their role as digital citizens;  close the opportunity gap affecting children’s access to technology Equity: Collaboration: Working with key stakeholders will be critical to the successful implementation of our Digital Learning Plan. The guidance of a Steering Committee with technical expertise and an advisory group that includes teachers, parents, and students will ensure fidelity to research- based best practices as well as alignment with the needs of our community. Implementation: To ensure success, the elements of the Digital Learning Plan are phased in over the course of five years to make the technical elements of the implementation manageable and allow for adequate support for educators in their process of transformation. Focus on 21 st Century skills include: Creativity and Innovation Using knowledge and understanding to create new ways of thinking in order to find solutions to new problems and to create new products and services. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Applying higher order thinking to new problems and issues, using appropriate reasoning as they effectively analyze the problem and make decisions about the most effective ways to solve the problem. Communication Communicating effectively in a wide variety of forms and contexts for a wide range of purposes and using multiple media and technologies. Collaboration Working with others respectfully and effectively to create, use and share knowledge, solutions and innovations. Information Management Accessing, analyzing, synthesizing, creating and sharing information from multiple sources. Effective Use of Technology Creating the capacity to identify and use technology efficiently, effectively and ethically as a tool to access, organize, evaluate and share information Career and Life Skills Developing skills for becoming self-directed, independent learners and workers who can adapt to change, manage projects, take responsibility for their work, lead others and produce results. Cultural Awareness Developing cultural competence in working with others by recognizing and respecting cultural differences and work with others from a wide range of cultural and social backgrounds.

3 TasksTime FrameResources Introduce and present digital learning transition course highlights to teachers and staff Beginning of school year from August 17- 21, 2015 Videos and 4 frameworks and crowdsourcing resources Reiterate the elements of a successful digital learning transition September 3, 2015 @ 4-5pm. Unit 1 – Key elements sources or ey+Frameworks+for+Digital+Learning Culture Shift: Teaching in a learner- centered September 10, 2015 @ 4-5pm. Internet Safety/Acceptable use policy September 17, 2015 @ 4-5pm. ed%20AUP%20March%202013_final.pdf CRAP DetectionSeptember 24, 2015 @ 4-5pm. ahers-guide-to-information-crap.html ap-detection-101/ Blended LearningOctober 1, 2015 @ 4-5pm. erent-faces-blended-learning BYOD OrientationOctober 8, 2015 @ 4-5pm. f/solutions/BYOD_Brochure.pdf Google Classroom/Genius HourOctober 15, 2015 @ 4-5pm. Social Media in the ClassroomOctober 22, 2015 @ 4-5pm. Edmodo, and schoology, Community/ Stakeholders High Tea for Education – “Focus on digital learning opportunities” October 29, 2015 @ 4-5pm. Principal, parent leader and SIT /MAC team Action Plan for Professional Development Responsibility : School Improvement Team and Media Advisory Committee is responsible for the implementation of the program. All staff members will be involved during professional development and professional learning on digital learning opportunities. An explicit representation of stakeholders will also be considered to participate in all scheduled meeting and all other endeavors. Budget: Technology will be a priority to be aligned in the Title I budget and grant applications will also be secured to help defray the expenses of the project.

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