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Cardiac Monitoring Unit (CMU) Hull Royal Infirmary Cardiac Monitoring Unit (CMU) Hull Royal Infirmary Diane Rothwell, Project Manager North & East Yorkshire.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiac Monitoring Unit (CMU) Hull Royal Infirmary Cardiac Monitoring Unit (CMU) Hull Royal Infirmary Diane Rothwell, Project Manager North & East Yorkshire."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cardiac Monitoring Unit (CMU) Hull Royal Infirmary Cardiac Monitoring Unit (CMU) Hull Royal Infirmary Diane Rothwell, Project Manager North & East Yorkshire & Northern Lincolnshire CHD Collaborative THE JOURNEY SO FAR.. THE JOURNEY SO FAR..


4 CMU MICROSYSTEM Nurses Doctors Domestics and caterers Diabetic nurse Pharmacist Dietician Smoking cessation officer Cardiac Rehab. Nurse Social Worker Physio and Physio Assistants Ward Clerk PATIENTS

5 CMU MICROSYSTEM Grimsby AAU Ward 8 Ward 80 Combined pr Chest P Clinic ECG Dept (o/p Scunthorpe Louth York Private Sector ICU HDU Scarborough Aca. Cardiology Bridlington GP/Home Paramedics Ward 80 Ward 8 Ward 6 (CHH) Ward 7 (CHH) ICU (CHH) Combined Pr Home Par/Ambulance ICU (HRI) HDU Other Hospital HDUICU Combined Procedures Information Flow Patient Flow


7 CHALLENGE OF THE MONTH The CMU Team work together to Provide Quality Care That Reaches the Heart of the Problem Your Heart in Our Hands

8 P ATIENTS To carry out Discovery Interviews with Patients and their carers. Interviews being scheduled PDSA in Progress Aim: To find out what our patients think about the care and services we provide. OTHER PDSAS PLANNED Patient Information Suggestion Box Patient Questionnaire DISCOVERY INTERVIEW PDSA

9 P ERSONNEL Staff Survey Staff Survey Assessment Tool Assessment Tool Online Workforce Survey Online Workforce Survey


11 P ROCESSES CMU Microsystem process for AMI

12 P ROCESSES Smoking cessation officer


14 INCREASE – WHY?33% AMI Statistical Process Control

15 The 5 Ps! Patterns Personnel Processes Patients

16 Purpose ASPIRATIONS Patient Experience Patient Experience Improve the interface with other Microsystems Improve the interface with other Microsystems Integration service improvement is not a separate activity Integration service improvement is not a separate activity Ensure that CMU is a place that people feel happy about coming to work. Ensure that CMU is a place that people feel happy about coming to work.

17 Reflections of Reflections of Clinical Microsystems Clinical Microsystems I must admit my initial thoughts were somewhat sceptical I contracted microsytemiti s Microsystems has given me a much needed boost of enthusiasm I feel privileged to have had the experiences Ive had I was full of ideas of how we could use the concept in CMU I feel better equipped to suggest ways in which we could change Being involved with Microsystems has made a difference to staff morale We are creating a culture that supports service improvement Staff feel empowered to make small changes from within our microsystem Microsystems has helped us explore ways of improving communication

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